The Second Vatican Council and Post–Conciliar Renewal on the Pages of Glas Koncila from 1963 to 1972


  • Anto Mikić Croatian Catholic University, Zagreb, Croatia


Glas Koncila, Second Vatican Council, post–conciliar renewal, progressives, traditionalists, Tomislav Šagi–Bunić, Živko Kustić


Based on a personal analysis of the content of Glas Koncila (The Voice of the Council) during the first ten years of its existence (1963 — 1972) as well as archival materials and relevant literature, the author of this paper examines the manner in which this Catholic (bi–)weekly followed the sessions of the Second Vatican Council as they were convened ; furthermore, he discusses (post–)conciliar renewal as it was
effected within the Church of Croatia and also the tensions and polemics between the „progressives“ and the „conservatives“ which marked this process. Hence, the paper analyses the ways in which Glas Koncila promoted (post–)conciliar renewal and endeavoured to make its contribution in this regard. The paper thus investigates a thesis already developed by other authors according to which Glas Koncila played an important part in the reception of the Second Vatican Council within the Church in Croatia.

