Divine Solidarity (communio) as an Inspiration to Human Solidarity in Defeating Modern–Day Relativism


  • Miroslav Čadek Faculty of Philosophy and Religious Studies, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia
  • Ivo Antunović Faculty of Philosophy and Religious Studies, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia


solidarity, Most Holy Trinity, communio, relativism, liberalism, hedonism, profit, dictatorship of relativism, John Paul II


This article deals with issues related to the crisis of the times and of the spirit, brought about through relativism and its social and personal repercussions. Furthermore, it discusses solidarity as a possible response to relativism and the consequences thereof.
The Church has always considered that the pattern and model of solidarity is to be sought in God’s redeeming solidarity as revealed in the incarnation of the Son of God and his sacrifice on the Cross. The article speaks of the centrepoint of solidarity as being the Most Holy Trinity — a model and inspiration for human solidarity and communal life. The issue of relativism and solidarity will be presented as per
the teachings of Pope John Paul II. We shall endeavour to put forth his opinion on solidarity as a response to the crisis of the times and as a guideline for solving interpersonal relationships. Finally, the official stance of the Church which advocates and promotes solidarity as one of its main principles will be highlighted.

