Morally Unacceptable Interventions Into the Sexual Functioning of Persons with Intellectual Disabilities


  • Ante Komadina Catechetical–Theological Institute, Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina


persons with intellectual disabilities, sexual and emotional life, surgical sterilization, contraception


The article examines, in the light of Christian anthropology and ethics, certain complex situations with reference to the sexual and emotional life of persons with intellectual disabilities. These are life situations with which the parents and caregivers of persons with intellectual disabilities are faced in daily life. The topic is unavoidable also in the broader social context. „Quandaries“ are discussed from the perspective of Christian moral teaching, particularly with regard to surgical sterilization of persons with intellectual disabilities which is done in favour of sexual liberalism and to avoid possible inherited pathological states. An increase in sexual violence raises the issue of the „protection“ of persons with intellectual disabilities with the aid of contraceptives. In discussing this issue the author highlighted some contradictory positions, as well as the existence of borderline situations and all quandaries which affect them. The author concludes that a socially aware civil society should provide each physically, and especially mentally, undeveloped person with adequate care and protection, regardless of how demanding this may be socially and economically. The quality of a society is measured by its engagement in the care of its members, especially in regard to persons in society responsible for the weakest an d those most in need of our help.

