The Human Being in the Embryonic Development Stage
human embryo, development of man, dignity of human reproductionAbstract
Despite the declarative protectedness of the human person and his primary constitutional rights to life guaranteed by multiple conventions and declarations, the ontological status of the human embryo has been disputed in its prenatal stage by various bioethical and anthropological paradigms such that it can be dealt with autonomously by various pragmatic interests of the right to self–determination or in biomedical research. The aim of this paper is highlight the fact that man is a being of exceptional biological beauty, inviolable sanctity and dignity, and that his life and health must not be tampered with through unacceptable methods of human reproduction. On the basis of scientific, expert and experiential universal human factors, on the basis of multi–level (body, psyche, spirit) interdisciplinary studies (dialogue on an equal level among various sciences), the rate of benefit and harm (cost–benefit) which they cause, on the basis of common sense, the convergence of various factors toward the same focal point of observation of the human being, it is imperative that man be protected from birth to natural death.
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