Ivan Merz, Student at the Military Academy in Wiener Neustadt, 1914


  • Zdravko Matić Croatian Military Academy »Petar Zrinski«, Zagreb, Croatia
  • Krešimir Lagetar Laslovo Elementary School, Laslovo, Croatia


Ivan Merz, scholar, Theresianische Militär Academy (Theresian Military Academy), Wiener Neustadt, Professor Ljubomir Maraković, father, study


The authors’ research on Ivan Merz’s sojourn at the Wiener Neustadt Military Academy is based on archival material, new articles, as well as recent literature. Though not by his own choice, Merz entered the Military Academy in Wiener Neustadt after graduation, as his parents wished. It was a difficult period in his life, as he himself admits in his Diary and later to his secondary school Professor Ljubomir Maraković, Ph.D. Rudeness and immorality at the Military Academy were a daily occurrence and were contrary to his nature, as was also the life–long job which awaited him. His desire and penchant for studying literature and becoming a teacher prevailed, and so with his parents’ consent he left the Military Academy, having spent three months there, namely, from September 12 to December 22, 1914. Ivan Merz was beatified by Pope John Paul II on June 22, 2003 in Banja Luka, Bosnia.





Original Scholarly Paper