The Interrelationship between Conjugal Love (amor conjugalis) and Matrimonial Consent (consensus matrimonialis) according to GS and CIC


  • Zdenko Ilić Catholic Faculty of Theology in Đakovo, J. J. Strossmayer University Osijek, Đakovo, Croatia


conjugal love (amor coniugalis), matrimonial consent (consensus matrimonialis), matrimony, Gaudium et Spes, canonical matrimonial law


One of the main issues facing our modern culture and society concerns the role of human love in choosing one’s future partner for the union called matrimony. To be more specific, what does conjugal love have to do with and how does it influence matrimonial consent? In order to respond to these and similar questions, the author puts forth assertions from the Second Vatican Council and analyses sections 48–51 on conjugal love regarding the purposes of matrimony as presented in the Pastoral Constitution Gaudium et Spes. Furthermore, the author explains the canonical relationship between conjugal love and matrimonial consent based on the current Code of Canon Law. In conclusion, some concrete answers are given which may give us a better understanding of the role and the importance of conjugal love in marriage.

