The Genesis of Marx’s Atheism — As Seen by Tomo Vereš


  • Stjepan Radić Catholic Faculty of Theology in Đakovo, J. J. Strossmayer University Osijek, Đakovo, Croatia


Marx, Vereš, religion, atheism, God, Prometheus, Enlightenment, alienation, economy, politics, opium


The topic of this paper is the problem of Marx’s approach to religion, that is, his atheism, with  reference to the work of Tomo Vereš. This is carried out within the framework of three basic headings which follow the introduction and end with a concluding analysis. The first section depictsMarx’s so–called early atheism, characterized by the dreams of a youth and a sort of Promethean rebelliousness against all forms of transcendence. This Promethean aspect of atheism shall be a constant throughout Marx’s entire creative period. The second phase of his atheism is characterized by a transition from poetry and poeticization to speculative–rationalistic critiques on religion. The problem which imposes itself here is Marx’s initial reference to and later departure from the Enlightenment approach to  religion. The author notes this problem particularly in the third phase of Marx’s atheism during which a final great reversal occurs which Vereš marks with an original phrase , namely as ’the transition from criticism of the gods in heaven to criticism of the gods on earth.’ Religion as the source of alienation  manifests itself through economic and political relationships. In this sense, Marx’s last reckoning with religion occurs through a critique of socio–economic processes, or rather alienation which, in his opinion, has an essentially religious origin. The author claims in his concluding analyses that Vereš’s approach to Marx is original in diverse ways: firstly, in his sober and objective approach to the German ideologue — in this case Marx’s view of religion, and as a consequence thereof, in the conclusions derived on the basis of his approach , or rather, his research.





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