The Twelve–Step Program as a Response to Contemporary Addictive Behaviors


  • Antun Volenik The Faculty of Philosophy of the Society of Jesus in Zagreb, Croatia


addictions–recovery, Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), Twelve–Step Program


This article presents the Twelve–Step Program created by Alcoholics Anonymous and demonstrates possibilities for its application to substance addictions (alcohol and drugs) as well as to behavioral addictions, such as sexual addictions. The article speaks of several Twelve–Step Fellowships: Alcoholic Anonymous (AA), Narcotics Anonymous (NA), Sexaholics Anonymous (SA), Sex and Love Anonymous (SLAA) and Sex Addiction Anonymous (SAA). Starting with terms used by AA, such as »spiritual sobriety« the author elaborates several important steps toward recovery, the focus being on the first: the admission of the addict that he/she is powerless over his/her addiction and that his/her life has become unmanageable. The fact that the Program is still fairly unknown in Croatia explains why the goal of the article is to demonstrate that the Twelve–Step Program is not only a welcome aid in psychological therapy for persons who have developed addictive behaviors, but also a form of pastoral care, and as such, a welcome aid in the spiritual direction and care of such persons.

