The Philosophy of Ivan Macan
Notes to Selected Epistemological, Analytical–Linguistic and Social–Ethical Problems on the 75th Anniversary of his Birth
Ivan Macan, epistemology, knowledge, Ludwig Wittgenstein, a theory of linguistic meaning, principles of social ethicsAbstract
In the paper the author introduces, clearly depicts, and disputes the two central topics of Ivan Macan’s theoretical philosophy, i.e. selected hypotheses on epistemology and on the philosophy of Ludwig Wittgenstein, and also on practical philosophy topics, i.e. his social ethics. The debate proceeds such that the central thought is quoted, followed by supporting arguments and explications, then by objections and finally by replies attempted by the author. The whole paper is contextualized by means of the initial polemical remark on secondary literature dealing with Macan’s philosophy, and an informal conclusion on the value and influence of his philosophy and speculation. The paper is composed of an introduction which presents details of his life and work and a critical remark on secondary literature, a central section in which the three previously mentioned topics are presented, explicated and elaborated, that is, epistemological topics taken from Macan’s philosophy of L. Wittgenstein, and social ethics topics. Finally, the third and closing section derives a conclusion on the original contributions of his philosophy and his notability as a professor of Philosophy.
Jednom prihvaćeni članak obvezuje autora da ga ne smije objaviti drugdje bez dozvole uredništva, a i tada samo uz bilješku da je objavljen prvi put u Obnovljenom životu. Uredništvo će obavijestiti autora o prihvaćanju ili neprihvaćanju članka za objavljivanje.
Članci objavljeni u časopisu se, uz prikladno navođenje izvora, smiju besplatno koristiti u obrazovne i druge nekomercijalne svrhe.