Has Karl Rahner's Time Passed?

Notes on the Reception Status of the Jesuit Theolgian with no Apologetic Intention


  • Andreas R. Batlogg Archive in Munich, Miinchen, Germany


Karl Rahner, edition, collected works, history of theology, theological pragmatics for the future


Karl Rahner SJ (1904-1984) was one of the most significant theologians of the twentieth century. Although twenty-seven years have already passed since his death, his work is present in diverse ways in the theological debates of today such that his influ- ence has spread far beyond the twentieth century. This Jesuit may rightly be called a classic theologian. Both theology and the Church can continue to learn from him. Much of what Rahner had developed as university professor has entered the theology of the Second Vatican Council and still holds true today as the common good of the Church (eg. the idea of the universal salvific will in the theology of grace). The edition »Collected Works,« begun in 1995, has come as far as the 26th (of 32 planned) volume (December 2010 status). The Edition renders available and accessible for scientific research this virtually unfathomable work. The Rahner Lectures, begun in Munich in 2009, not only refresh our memories but also accentuate current theological issues.





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