Saint Paul and Women


  • Jasmina Juroš Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, Rome, Italy


Paul, Early Church, women, men, ministry, equality, difference, marriage


Saint Paul has more to say about women than any other New Testament author. He writes of women who had a particular role in the Early Church. His teaching allows us to study the women who were among Jesus' followers and so to understand why Christianity meant Good News for women also. The purpose of this article is to cast a light both upon Paul's theoretical and his actual attitude towards women. They too were his close co-workers and their role in the Early Church was no different from that of men. Women were at the head of house churches where they utilized their God-given charisma for the building up of the Church. Their equality with men was secured through baptism which, unlike circumcision, made it possible for women also to become members of the saved nation. However, certain controversial verses exhibit contradictory points of view on the role of women, thus casting doubt upon Paul's authorship of the said verses.

