Job's Patience - A Challenge to the Modern Age


  • Dragan Nimac National Center for External Evaluation of Education, Zagreb, Croatia


Job, patience, God, hope, fidelity, fear, love


The accelerated rhythm of life in the world today has caused a deviation from patience which thus most often emerges as indifference, impatience or simply haste. The author of this article wishes to stress that in our time the virtue of patience is not to be neglected and warns of the fact that technology accelerates natural processes at the expense of man's natural rhythm such that what is technologically possible is not always ethically, nor spiritually, correct. In his response to these challenges the author offers a paradigm of the biblical persona Job, who experienced prosperity but also severe suffering. Job thus represents every man who suffers only to seek out an acceptable purpose and reason to live in a world that appears purposeless. Though he was persistent in seeking the answer to human suffering, he underwent, in his quest, trials of faith and unbelief, love and hate, fear and courage, hope and disappointment. Job's quest for truth was not motivated by fear, but by love. The author concludes that patience is not a passive virtue manifested as passive waiting, but rather the ability to do many things in serenity without frustration and anger: peaceful but hard work with the conviction that one's efforts will be repaid at some point. Patience is a wise and constructive attitude which brings victory in many situations in life. Precisely for this reason does Job want life to go on.

