The Role of Saint Thomas Aquinas' Doctrine in the Theological Formation of Priests


  • Charles Morerod Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas in Rome (Angelicum), Rome, Italy


Thomas Aquinas, Second Vatican Council, the ministry of priests, formation, faith, reason, Word of God, spiritual life


In Saint Thomas Aquinas' view, a man who receives divine revelation by faith participate, in a limited though real way, in the knowledge of God himself. The Second Vatican Council recommends St. Thomas as a teacher of the Church because he has revealed the profound connection between the mysteries. This connection is brought to light as St. Thomas invites the faithful to receive light from God himself on all objects of knowledge. Thus the believer, for example the priest, can find unity not only among theological disciplines, but also among spiritual life, theology, ministry, social life, etc. This foundedness in God accounts for the Council's recommendation: unity between faith and reason can only be understood from their common divine origin. Lastly, St. Thomas helps us to understand the unity between divine acts and human acts, hence enabling us to envision the ministry as such, as well as the nature of the Word of God.





Exposé presented at a scientific symposium