On the Occasion of the 25th Anniversary of the Encyclical Ut unum sint

Papal Primacy and its Service to the Unity of Christians


  • Alan Modrić Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome, Italy


Ut unum sint, papal primacy, unity, synodality, synod of bishops


The intent of this article is to demonstrate the significance of the ecumenical encyclical Ut unum sint, and especially that of its most important topic namely, the papal primacy in ecumenical relations, even today, twenty–five years after its publication. Firstly, the article analyses the encyclical’s emphasis on the Bishop of Rome and his ministry of unity, both in the Catholic Church and among all Christians. The author includes also an examination of various Church documents which find their inspiration in the encyclical and which discuss the papal primacy in the light of the invitation of John Paul II to «find a way of exercising the primacy which, while in no way renouncing what is essential to its mission, is nonetheless open to a new situation» (UUS 95). Finally, the article highlights the fact that there is not only a theoretical discussion on this papal request, but also concrete juridical regulations and solutions which can bring it to fruition, especially during the pontificate of Pope Francis whose apostolic constitution Episcopalis communio on the reform of the Synod of Bishops can be considered an endpoint of sorts in the search for new ways of exercising the primacy.

