A Fictitious Social Contract as the Basis of a Real Society
autonomy, social contract, government contract, economic contract, stakeholders, common good, social principles, solidarity, subsidiarityAbstract
In this paper the authors present the social contract theory as being fictitious and they propose, in contrast thereto, a hypothetical government contract. Also, they conclude that the debate between advocates of the social contract theory and natural law is a failed attempt at dialogue since both theories have fundamental flaws which «complement» each other. In the last section the authors endeavour to present a tempered version of a contract theory in the form of a hypothetical government contract applied to an economic contract between stakeholder groups, as a theory and a set of principles which can, theoretical difficulties put aside, be a solid heuristic tool in resolving the practical issue of balancing the demands of various interest groups within business enterprises and in resolving conflict situations between these groups.
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