The poor condition of the organism as "sufficient" argument for the euthanasia of disabled persons


  • Marko Marinić Institut za društvene znanosti Ivo Pilar, Zagreb, Hrvatska


Euthanasia, disabled persons


The essay consists of six sections which can be classified according to content into two parts: the theoretical and empirical. In the first, the theoretical section of the article, the author gives a brief historical survey on euthanasia and its definitions, then proceeds to treat the problem of euthanasia through the prism of disabled persons. Thus he introduces the reader to the essence of the problem which is to be elaborated in the second part of the essay. Based on the theoretical section, research hypotheses have been put forward as well as the empirical research methods. We are told that the study involved 397 disabled persons, a substantial number within the targeted population. Their opinions on euthanasia are put forth in the following section while the results are interpreted at the end, some of which confirm while others refute the research hypotheses. Relevant conclusions are also made, all of which can be reduced to only one, and that is, that euthanasia is not to be viewed as something which we are to advocate for in behalf of disabled persons.





Original Scholarly Paper