Faith and Reason

The Cultural and Ecclesial Implications of the Debate according to Vladimir Solovyov


  • Michelina Tenace Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome, Italy


philosophy, theology, anarchy, dictatorship, East, West, God–manhood


The topic is covered in two sections: firstly, the reason is put forward for which the
name of Vladimir Solovyov appears in the encyclical Faith and Reason (Fides et ratio),
then, in the second section the author draws our attention to Solovyov’s thought
as an example of originality in the sphere of culture. The article was inspired by an
interesting detail concerning the encyclical Fides et ratio, as follows: in paragraph 74,
among those cited as examples of authors who succeeded in their flight on „two wings,“
appears the name of the Russian thinker, Vladimir Solovyov. Solovyov’s thought is
already developed in his first book, The Crisis of Western Philosophy (1874), namely,
that the relationship between faith and reason reveals the manner in which a culture
has resolved the relationship between individual and group authority which, in turn,
depends upon the importance that it attributes to philosophy and theology.

Author Biography

Michelina Tenace, Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome, Italy

The topic is covered in two sections: firstly, the reason is put forward for which the
name of Vladimir Solovyov appears in the encyclical Faith and Reason (Fides et ratio),
then, in the second section the author draws our attention to Solovyov’s thought
as an example of originality in the sphere of culture. The article was inspired by an
interesting detail concerning the encyclical Fides et ratio, as follows: in paragraph 74,
among those cited as examples of authors who succeeded in their flight on „two wings,“
appears the name of the Russian thinker, Vladimir Solovyov. Solovyov’s thought is
already developed in his first book, The Crisis of Western Philosophy (1874), namely,
that the relationship between faith and reason reveals the manner in which a culture
has resolved the relationship between individual and group authority which, in turn,
depends upon the importance that it attributes to philosophy and theology.

