https://doi.org/10.30925/zpfsr.43.1.4Ključne riječi:
level playing field, corporate responsibility to respect human rights, UNGPs, binding international human rights instrument, international judicial grievance mechanismSažetak
A level playing field is enabled when business enterprises can freely compete
in the market. However, they cannot compete freely if different rules apply to
them. Therefore internationally accepted human rights have to be respected by
all business enterprises, no matter their size, sector, ownership and the state of
operations. The purpose of the paper is to identify three criteria by which it is
possible to achieve a level playing field in business and to examine the criteria
using respect for human rights as an example. Using a descriptive method and
a method of analysis, the author argues that without the universal minimum
standards of respect for human rights a level playing field in business cannot be
possible. This will be feasible only with the adoption of a binding international
instrument and imposing sanctions on the international level. Consequently,
establishing of an international judicial mechanism with a power to sanction
corporate human rights abuse is of vital importance.
- 2023-12-14 (3)
- 2023-12-14 (2)
- 2022-05-15 (1)
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