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Diacovensia : teološki prilozi , Vol. 29 No. 3, 2021.

  • Publication date: 30.11.2021.
  • Published on HRČAK: 30.11.2021.

Table of contents

Full text

Sadržaj (page 287-288)

Contents (page 287-288)


Quid est veritas? Istina – uvjerenje – dijalog (page 289-296)

Stjepan Radić

Utjecaj kršćanstva na filozofiju Johna Rawlsa (page 299-319)

Marko Jakić
Original scientific paper

Hermeneutic Continuity Between J. B. Metz and Pope Francis (page 321-336)

Ivica Raguž, Mirko Vlk
Original scientific paper

Images of God and Their Origin (page 337-356)

Hrvoje Kalem
Original scientific paper

Comparison of Rhetorical Characteristics Between Roman-Catholic and Protestant Sermons (page 357-374)

Gabrijela Kišiček, Natalija Žanpera
Original scientific paper

From the Idea of Sustainability / Sustainable Development to Education for Sustainable Development in Schools (page 375-393)

Renata Jukić, Sara Kakuk, Emanuela Ham
Preliminary communication

Working Sunday in Croatia from the Perspective of the Biblical Seventh Day (page 395-410)

Arkadiusz Krasicki, Elvis Ražov
Review article

O pornografiji i njezinu utjecaju na seksualno nasilje (page 427-451)

Šimun Bilokapić, Ana Jeličić
Review article

Adrese autora (page 462-463)

Addresses of the Authors (page 462-463)


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