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Ethnologica Dalmatica , Vol. 1 , 1992.

  • Publication date: 10.04.1992.
  • Published on HRČAK: 10.10.2013.

Table of contents

Full text

Braća Solitro i Split (page 11-18)

The Solitro Brothers and Split (page 0-0)

Anatolij Kudrjavcev
Original scientific paper

Split – the center of transit commerce between the East and Italy at 18th century (page 0-0)

Nataša Bajić-Žarko
Original scientific paper

City fortune-tellers and traditional heritage (page 0-0)

Renata Vujnović
Preliminary communication

Zu archaischen Kopfbedeckungen des Mittelmeerraumes (page 0-0)

Gabriella Schubert
Original scientific paper

Interactions of cultural elements as seen on a woman's headgear of north Dalmatia (page 0-0)

Jasenka Lulić
Original scientific paper

Swastikamotiv in Dalmatien vom Neolithikum bis zum 20. Jahrhundert (page 0-0)

Reana Senjković
Original scientific paper

Gothic belt from a burial place of the cementery of Sv. Spas at the Mouth of the Cetina river (page 0-0)

Magdalena Dragičević
Preliminary communication

Some facts about bride's portions in Stari Grad on the island of Hvar (page 0-0)

Nevenka Bezić-Božanić
Original scientific paper

Soparnik kao obredno i svečano jelo u Poljicima (page 95-98)

Zorica Šimunović-Petrić
Preliminary communication

Ljubo Babić and folklore (page 0-0)

Branka Vojnović
Preliminary communication

Tradicijski izvori književnog folklora male seoske zajednice (Gdinj na Hvaru) (page 117-125)

Davor Dukić
Original scientific paper

On the track of the Vlachs elements at the Morlachs in the Mid-Dalmatian hinterland (page 0-0)

Jelka Vince-Pallua
Original scientific paper

The rhetoric of the architecture (example of the island of Hvar) (page 0-0)

Silvio Braica
Preliminary communication

Some Characteristics of Traditional Architecture of the Makarska Coast (page 0-0)

Dinka Alaupović-Gjeldum
Preliminary communication

Impresum (page 0-0)

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