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Utjecaj prehrane na nastanak, tijek bolesti i kvalitetu života bolesnika s laringofaringealnim refluksom

Tin Prpić orcid id ; J.J. Strossmayer University of Osijek, Faculty of Medicine in Osijek, Josipa Huttlera 4, 31000 Osijek, Croatia
Melita Peček Prpić orcid id ; Osijek Health Center, Park kralja Petra Krešimira IV 6, 31000 Osijek, Croatia
Tihana Mendeš orcid id ; J.J. Strossmayer University of Osijek, Faculty of Medicine in Osijek, Josipa Huttlera 4, 31000 Osijek, Croatia
Anamarija Šestak orcid id ; J.J. Strossmayer University of Osijek, Faculty of Medicine in Osijek, Josipa Huttlera 4, 31000 Osijek, Croatia
Andrijana Včeva orcid id ; J.J. Strossmayer University of Osijek, Faculty of Medicine in Osijek, Josipa Huttlera 4, 31000 Osijek, Croatia

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Pozadina istraživanja. Uloga prehrambenih navika bolesnika u razvoju laringofaringealnog refluksa (LPR) relativno je nedovoljno istražena. Svrha je rada bila ispitati prehrambene navike, početak i tijek bolesti te kvalitetu života bolesnika s LPR-om.
Eksperimentalni pristup. Uspoređeni su rezultati modificiranog upitnika o učestalosti konzumacije hrane i pića (FFQ-m) i upitnika kvalitete života povezane sa LPR-om (LPR-HRQL) ispitanika sa LPR-om i bez njega. Ukupno je bilo 100 ispitanika s LPR-om i 65 ispitanika u kontrolnoj skupini. Skupina ispitanika s LPR-om je zatim nasumično podijeljena u dvije podskupine; prva podskupina liječena je esomeprazolom u dozi od 20 mg dva puta dnevno u kombinaciji s uputama za promjenu prehrane i stila života, a druga pantoprazolom u dozi od 20 mg dva puta na dan uz upute za promjenu prehrane i stila života. Ispitanici su ispunili FFQ-m i LPR-HRQL upitnike odmah nakon inicijalnog pregleda, te nakon kontrolnih pregleda obavljenih 30 i 60 dana nakon inicijalnog.
Rezultati i zaključci. Ispitanici s LPR-om konzumiraju više hrane s visokim refluksnim potencijalom, piju više gaziranih pića i sokova te imaju lošiju kvalitetu života od kontrolne skupine (p<0,001). Uzimanje inhibitora protonske pumpe u dozi od 20 mg dva puta dnevno u kombinaciji s promjenom prehrambenih navika, kao što je zamjena kisele, začinjene, fermentirane, slatke, pržene i druge hrane s visokim refluksnim potencijalom te gaziranih pića i sokova hranom s niskim refluksnim potencijalom i vodom, značajno su smanjili simptome LPR-a i povećali kvalitetu života ispitanika (p<0,001).
Novost i znanstveni doprinos. Ovo je prvo istraživanje koje pokazuje korelaciju između prehrambenih navika i kvalitete života bolesnika s LPR-om. Doprinos ovog istraživanja je objektivna procjena praćenja bolesnika s LPR-om koja bi mogla poslužiti za njihovu redovnu procjenu i praćenje.


laringofaringealni refluks; hrana s niskim refluksnim potencijalom; kvaliteta života; prehrambene navike

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Laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR) is a clinical condition that represents the return of gastric contents into the space of the larynx and hypopharynx, where it makes close contact with the tissues of the upper aerodigestive tract (1). Two theories explain the pathogenesis of reflux laryngitis. The first is the theory of direct injury to the mucosa of the larynx and surrounding tissue by acid and pepsin. This results in damage to the mucociliary transport and accumulation of secretions in the throat, which causes additional irritation of the mucosa and contributes to the onset of symptoms of laryngopharyngeal reflux. Namely, the larynx does not have protective external cleaning mechanisms and saliva cover that neutralise acids, so the gastric refluxate remains undiluted for a longer period of time, resulting in tissue injury. The second theory that explains the pathogenesis of reflux laryngitis is the reflex theory. According to this theory, LPR occurs due to oesophageal reflux, which stimulates vagally mediated reflexes resulting in chronic throat clearing and coughing that leads to mucosal injury of the larynx (2,3). Nine of the most common symptoms of LPR were quantified by Belafsky et al. (4) in the so-called reflux symptom index (RSI), and based on years of experience, he concluded that if the RSI is greater than 13, LPR can be suspected. It is necessary to score the severity of the symptoms using a scale of 0–5 (0 meaning no symptoms to 5 meaning severe symptoms). The most common symptoms of LPR are hoarseness, throat clearing, postnasal drip, swallowing difficulties, coughing after meals or upon lying down, feeling of choking, coughing attack, globus sensation, heartburn and chest pain. Belafsky et al. (4) quantified the eight most common clinical signs of LPR in the reflux finding score (RFS). If the RFS is greater than 7, suspicion of LPR can be raised. The doctor calculates the RFS based on the presence or absence and severity of clinical signs of LPR. Some of the most common clinical signs of the disease are vocal fold oedema, granulation tissue, laryngeal posterior commissure hypertrophy, erythema, subglottic oedema, diffuse laryngeal oedema, ventricular obliteration and thick endolaryngeal secretion (5). Considering the severity of the symptoms and the impact on the quality of life of the patients, LPR can be mild, severe or life-threatening. Mild LPR bothers patients but does not interfere with their daily activities. Severe LPR significantly impairs the quality of life and interferes with patients’ daily tasks and personal activities. Life-threatening LPR is present in patients with airway obstruction (6,7).

There is no gold standard for the treatment of LPR. It is treated with changes in diet, lifestyle and drugs such as proton pump inhibitors (8). Dietary measures include avoiding tea, coffee, fatty and spicy foods, alcohol, chocolate and carbonated drinks. The intake of alkaline foods such as bananas and melons is recommended. As for drinks, only plain or alkaline water is recommended. Furthermore, food should be consumed in smaller portions, more frequently and should not be taken within two hours of bedtime. It is necessary to raise the head of the bed when lying down, and one should not lie down immediately after eating. If the person is a smoker, he or she must quit smoking (3,9). In addition to conservative treatment, surgical procedures such as transoral fundoplication and magnetic sphincter augmentation (3,10) can be performed on patients who are refractory to conservative therapy.

It is known that lifestyle and dietary habits, such as smoking, consumption of alcohol and of acidic, sweet and spicy foods play a significant role in the development of LPR. The food frequency questionnaire is commonly used to assess dietary habits in clinical studies and it estimates the frequency of consumption of beverages and foods (11,12). Lifestyle habits, including eating habits, vary in different countries and are often culturally conditioned (13,14). Therefore, eating habits should be studied separately for each region. Furthermore, the role of eating habits of patients with laryngopharyngeal reflux disease has been comparatively scarcely researched. In our study, we aim to investigate eating habits and their influence on the onset, course of disease, and the quality of life of patients with LPR in eastern Croatia.


Study design

The study was designed as a controlled non-randomised clinical trial with the aim to investigate the influence of diet on the onset, course of disease and the quality of life of patients with LPR. Participants were divided into two main groups: patients with LPR and a control group without LPR. Each participant underwent a comprehensive otorhinolaryngological examination followed by laryngeal endoscopy.

The first group consisted of participants who suffered from LPR. The diagnosis of LPR was based on RSI (reflux symptom index) and RFS (reflux finding score). Patients with RSI scores greater than 13 and RFS greater than 7 were included in the group of LPR patients. Patients with RSI scores lower than or equal to 13 and RFS lower than or equal to 7 were included in the control, healthy group.

The LPR group was randomly divided into two subgroups according to the type of proton pump inhibitor (esomeprazole or pantoprazole) using a remote computer-generated code. The first subgroup was treated with esomeprazole at a dose of 20 mg twice daily and the second subgroup was treated with pantoprazole at a dose of 20 mg twice daily. Both subgroups received written instructions on dietary and general lifestyle changes and adhered to the therapy and instructions for 60 days.

The general lifestyle instructions included eating small portions, managing stress, sleeping with an elevated headrest, avoiding eating before bedtime, quitting smoking and avoiding caffeine consumption before bedtime. All participants documented their daily food intake from the initial examination to the last follow-up examination. In addition, instructions were given on how to record daily food intake. Based on the daily food intake diary, the food intake of all patients was evaluated using the refluxogenic diet score developed by Lechien et al. (15). The refluxogenic diet score is based on the pH value of the food and its composition. Based on the final score, all foods are categorised into one of five categories according to their refluxogenic potential. In line with the results of the refluxogenic diet score, we categorise foods into those with low and high refluxogenic potential. Therefore, dietary instructions also included recommendations for consumption of foods with low refluxogenic potential according to the refluxogenic diet score, such as corn, rice, oatmeal, melons, watermelon, carrots, lettuce and cereals, and avoiding foods with high refluxogenic potential such as yogurt, pears, apples, oranges, grapefruit, mandarins, nectarines, peaches, bacon, butter and cookies. Additionally, each participant was required to complete a modified food frequency questionnaire (FFQ-m) and laryngopharyngeal reflux health-related quality of life (LPR-HRQL) questionnaires immediately after the initial examination and after the follow-up examinations, which were conducted 30 and 60 days after the initial examination.


The study included adult patients with LPR who responded positively to the invitation to participate in it at the Clinic of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery at the Clinical Hospital Centre Osijek, Croatia. The control group consisted of healthy adult participants who did not have LPR and were scheduled for surgery for otapostasis, deviated septum, nasal polyps or were employees of the Clinical Hospital Centre Osijek and agreed to participate in the study. Participants were informed about the study and their written consent was obtained. The study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the School of Medicine, University of Osijek (UR number: 2158-61-46-22-39).

Recruitment was conducted until a total of 200 participants was reached. Exclusion criteria were gastrointestinal ulcer disease, chronic atrophic gastritis, cancers and treatment with proton pump inhibitors, antacids or H2 blockers. Additionally, participants who did not correctly complete all the questionnaires were excluded from the analysis. Thirty-five participants did not meet the inclusion criteria. Therefore, 165 participants were included in the study, with 100 (60.6 %) participants in the LPR group and 65 (39.4 %) participants in the control group. There were a total of 69 (41.8 %) men and 96 (58.2 %) women. The median age of all participants was 49 (interquartile age range 18 to 82). In the group of participants with LPR, 36 (51 %) received pantoprazole therapy and 34 (49 %) received esomeprazole therapy. In our study, the LPR-HRQL questionnaire was used to assess the quality of life of patients with LPR and the control group as the treatment outcome.

FFQ-m questionnaire

FFQ-m questionnaire is a tool used to estimate the frequency of consumption of foods and beverages in the last month (16). A modified questionnaire was used based on an existing one developed and validated in Croatia by Močić Pavić et al. (17). The questionnaire was modified by regrouping certain food groups and only assessing the frequency of consumption of a particular food item, without evaluating the portion size. The modified FFQ contained 75 different food and beverage items divided into 12 different groups. The food categories were: (i) fast food, (ii) milk and dairy products, (iii) milk and dairy products with added sugar, (iv) fats and oils, (v) cereals, (vi) salty snacks, sweets and cakes, (vii) breakfast cereals, (viii) processed meat, (ix) juices, (x) vegetables, (xi) fruit and (xii) meat, fish and eggs. The frequency of food consumption is scored in the range from 0 to 8, where 0 means never, 1 refers to one to three times a month, 2 to once every week, 3 to two to four times a week, 4 to five to six times a week, 5 to once a day, 6 to two to three times a day, 7 to four to five times a day and 8 refers to six or more times a day (17).

LPR-HRQL questionnaire

The LPR-HRQL questionnaire consists of 43 questions that assess how often or to what extent the respondent experiences certain feelings. The first 12 questions relate to speaking, singing and voice and, together with the 13th question on the impact of voice on quality of life, form the voice/hoarse section. The cough section consists of questions 14-19, which assess coughing, and the 20th question on the effect of coughing on quality of life. The clear throat section consists of questions 21-26, which assess throat clearing, and question 27 on the effects of throat clearing on quality of life. Questions 28-32 relate to swallowing and general throat-related symptoms, with the 33rd question on the effect of swallowing on quality of life, thus covering the swallow section. Finally, questions 34-43 assess the effect of acid reflux symptoms on quality of life and form the section of the overall impact of the acid reflux. A standard Likert scale ranging from 0 to 6 was used, with a higher score indicating more frequent LPR symptoms, i.e. 0 refers to never, 1 to once a month, 2 to two to three days a month, 3 to one day a week, 4 to two to three days a week, 5 to four to five days a week and 6 refers to six to seven days a week. The score for the last question in each section, as well as all 10 questions in the section overall impact of acid reflux, range from 1 (no effect) to 10 (enormous effect on health-related quality of life) (18,19).

Statistical analysis

Categorical data are represented by absolute and relative frequencies. The normality of the distribution of numerical variables was tested with the Shapiro-Wilk test. Numerical data are described by the median and the limits of the interquartile range. Differences between two independent groups were tested with the Mann-Whitney U test (95 % difference in confidence interval), and differences between measurements with the Friedman test (post hoc Conover). All p-values were two-sided. The significance level was set at α=0.05. The statistical analysis was performed using MedCalc® statistical software, v. 20.218 and SPSS, v. 23 (20,21).


In addition to pantoprazole and esomeprazole therapy, other proton pump inhibitors such as omeprazole, lansoprazole and rabeprazole have often been used in other studies. The success rate in treating LPR symptoms with these proton pump inhibitors ranges from 18 to 87 % without significant differences in treatment outcomes based on the therapy used (4,22,23). Comparable to the results of these studies and considering the treatment outcome through subjective assessment of quality of life using the LPR-HRQL questionnaire, in our study there was no significant difference in any of the sections of the LPR-HRQL questionnaire between patients who used esomeprazole and pantoprazole after 30 and 60 days of therapy. Additionally, the median value of the overall impact of acid reflux was lower after 30 and 60 days in both mentioned groups than the value of the initial examination (Table 1).

Table 1 Differences in the LPR-HRQL scale based on the applied therapy on group of patients with LPR symptoms measured at three different times
SymptomMedian (interquartile range)Difference
(95 % confidence interval)
t=0 day
  Voice/hoarseness22 (14–28)16 (9–22)-5 (-9–0)0.03
  Cough11 (9–14)9 (6–11)-3 (-5–0)0.06
  Throat clearing11 (7–14)8 (5–16)-2 (-4–2)0.33
  Swallowing7 (4–11)8 (6–12)1 (-2–3)0.48
  The overall impact of acid reflux36 (29–47)34 (28–40)-3 (-10–3)0.34
t=30 days
  Voice/hoarseness14 (9–22)11 (7–19)-2 (-7–2)0.25
  Cough6 (2–10)3 (0–9)-2 (-5–0)0.09
  Throat clearing6 (2–10)4 (1–6)-1 (-3–1)0.38
  Swallowing4 (2–9)6 (3–10)1 (-1–3)0.44
  The overall impact of acid reflux31 (15–40)28 (22–39)-1 (-8–7)0.78
t=60 days
  Voice/hoarseness11 (9–14)9 (6–11)-3 (-5–0)0.05
  Cough2 (1–7)3 (0–4)0 (-2–1)0.61
  Throat clearing2 (1–5)3 (1–5)0 (-1–2)0.83
  Swallowing3 (2–6)3 (2–6)0 (-2–2)0.88
  The overall impact of acid reflux20 (13–25)20 (14–29)0 (-6–6)0.90

*Mann Whitney U test, LPR-HRQL=laryngopharyngeal reflux health-related quality of life

In the group of patients with LPR, there were significantly higher values (more frequent occurrence of symptoms, p<0.001) in all sections of the LPR-HRQL questionnaire at the initial examination than in the control group. It should also be noted that the most common symptom in the group of patients with LPR was hoarseness (Table 2). Patients with LPR had similar median values in all domains of the LPR-HRQL questionnaire to the values reported by other authors (18,19). However, small differences were found between our study and a Swedish study (18), in which the results showed lower values ​​of all LPR-HRQL sections than in our study, which could be explained by different cultural settings and differences in dietary habits.

Table 2 The difference in individual domains of the LPR-HRQL scale compared to the groups at the initial examination (t=0)
SymptomMedian (interquartile range)Difference
(95 % confidence interval)
Group with
Voice/hoarseness5 (4–7)19 (11–26)10 (8–14)<0.001
Cough0 (0–3)8 (3–12)6 (4–7)<0.001
Throat clearing0 (0–2)9 (5–14)8 (6–9)<0.001
Swallowing0 (0–3)7 (4–11)6 (4–7)<0.001
The overall impact of acid reflux10 (9–20)32 (24–43)19 (15–22)<0.001

*Mann Whitney's U test, LPR-HRQL=laryngopharyngeal reflux health-related quality of life

In the group of patients with LPR, the values ​​of all LPR-HRQL sections were significantly lower (p<0.001) after 60 days than the initial values (Table 3). Therefore, we can say that the recommended therapy with proton pump inhibitors along with instructions on diet and lifestyle changes was definitely successful. In their study, Carrau et al. (19) measured the LPR-HRQL at baseline, after 4 and 6 months, and the therapy used was a dose of 20 mg omeprazole twice a day. Our study shows a similar improvement in scores between the pretreatment and post-treatment status compared to Carrau's study, although the measurements were taken after 4 and 8 weeks. Furthermore, in our study, patients were given dietary and general lifestyle instructions in addition to the proton pump inhibitors as part of the treatment. Several studies using the LPR-HRQL and surgical procedures such as fundoplication for LPR treatment have also shown a significant improvement in scores before and after the procedure (24,25).

Table 3 Ratings of LPR-HRQL questionnaire in a group of patients with LPR symptoms at three measured times
SymptomMedian (interquartile range)p*
Voice/hoarseness19 (11–26)13 (8–21)10 (7–13)<0.001
Cough8 (3–12)4 (1–9)2 (0–6)<0.001
Throat clearing9 (5–14)5 (2–10)2 (1–5)<0.001
Swallowing7 (4–11)7 (3–10)3 (2–6)<0.001
The overall impact of acid reflux32 (24–43)31 (18–40)20 (14–26)<0.001

*Frideman's test (post hoc Conover), significantly different values at all three measured times (p<0.05), LPR-HRQL=laryngopharyngeal reflux health-related quality of life

We examined the dietary habits of participants with LPR and the control group using a modified food frequency questionnaire (FFQ). Compared to patients with LPR at the beginning of the research, the control group consumed significantly more frequently pudding, semolina, polenta, rice, corn (cooked/baked), cornflakes, oatmeal, muesli, sugar-free soft drinks, bananas, melons, watermelon, carrots, spinach, chard and lettuce. The group of patients with LPR symptoms consumed significantly more frequently sour cream (12 % fat), yogurt, acidophilus milk, kefir (2.8 to 3.2 % fat), fruit yogurt, white bread (pastries and puff pastry), carbonated soft drinks, fruit syrups (fruit concentrate), apples or pears, oranges, grapefruits, mandarins, peaches, nectarines, grapes, onions, garlic, breaded pork, bacon, cookies, margarine, oils and hamburgers (Table 4). According to the results, patients with LPR consumed significantly more frequently fatty, fermented, sweet, and acidic foods and acidic drinks, which can increase the number of proximal reflux episodes and are important risk factors for developing LPR (8,26). Lechien et al. (15) developed the refluxogenic diet score as an objective assessment of the refluxogenic potential of the food. In our study, participants without symptoms of LPR consumed more food with low refluxogenic potential (corn, rice, oatmeal, bananas, melons, watermelon, carrots, lettuce and cereals), while participants with LPR symptoms consumed significantly more frequently food classified as high refluxogenic food according to the refluxogenic diet score (yogurt, pears, apples, oranges, grapefruits, mandarins, nectarines, peaches, bacon, pork, butter and cookies) (Table 4).

Table 4 Differences in the frequency of consumption of individual food items (divided in food categories according to modified FFQ) at initial examination (t=0) with respect to the control and LPR group (Mann Whitney’s U test)
FoodMedian (interquartile range)p
Control groupGroup with
Milk and dairy products
Cream (w(milk fat)=12 %)2 (1–2)3 (1–4)<0.001
Yogurt, acidophilus, kefir (w(milk fat)=2.8–3.2 %)2 (1–3)3 (1–4)<0.001
Fruit yogurt1 (1–2)2 (1–3)0.02
Pudding2 (1–3)2 (0–2)0.02
White bread (rolls and croissants)3 (1–4)5 (3–5)<0.001
Semolina2 (1–3)1 (0–2)<0.001
Polenta2 (1–3)1 (0–2)<0.001
Rice3 (2–4)2.5 (1–3)0.03
Corn (cooked/roasted)2 (2–3)1 (0–2)<0.001
Breakfast cereals
Cornflakes2 (1–3)1 (0–2)<0.001
Oatmeal and muesli2 (1–2)1 (0–2)<0.001
Orange juice2 (2–3)3 (2–4)0.01
Carbonated soft drinks2 (1–3)3 (2–4)<0.001
Non-alcoholic drinks (sugar-free)6 (5–7)4.5 (3–5)<0.001
Fruit syrup (syrup concentrate)2 (0–2)2 (1–3)<0.001
Apple or pear2 (1–3)3 (2–4)0.01
Orange, grapefruit, tangerine2 (1–3)3 (1.25–4)<0.001
Banana3 (2–3.5)2 (1–3)<0.001
Peach, nectarine1 (0–2)2 (0–3)0.02
Melon, watermelon2 (1–3)1 (0–1)<0.001
Grapes1 (0–2)2 (1–3)<0.001
Onion, garlic2 (1–3)3 (2–4)<0.001
Carrot2 (1.5–3)2 (1–3)<0.001
Spinach, chard2 (2–3)2 (1–2)<0.001
Lettuce3 (2–4)3 (2–4)<0.001
Meat, fish and eggs
Breaded pork2 (1–3)2.5 (1–3)<0.001
Processed meat
Bacon2 (2–3)3 (2–3)<0.001
Salty snacks, sweets and cakes
Biscuits2 (1–2)2.5 (1–3)<0.001
Fat and oil
Margarine2 (2–3.5)3 (1–3.75)0.02
Oil3 (2–5)4 (2–5)0.03
Fast food
Hamburger1 (0–2)2 (1–3)<0.001

FFQ=food frequency questionnaire, LPR=laryngopharyngeal reflux

In addition to the proton pump inhibitors, patients with LPR received written instructions on diet and lifestyle changes. They documented their daily food intake and, according to the instructions, they were told which foods had low and which had high refluxogenic potential (15). The patients with LPR significantly reduced the frequency of consumption of a large number of foods considered highly refluxogenic according to the refluxogenic diet score (Table 5 andTable 6). Such a change in diet could have an effect on the reduction of LPR symptoms, i.e. a significant reduction in the values of all LPR-HRQL sections and an improvement in the quality of life, as can be seen inTable 3. It is very important to give patients clear instructions on how to change their lifestyle and diet, to encourage them to write down the foods they consume every day and, of course, to monitor and advise them regularly. In their analysis of LPR therapy, Runggaldier et al. (27) particularly emphasise the importance of diet, which they consider one of the key factors for the success of LPR treatment. The meta-analysis by Min et al. (28) showed that avoiding fatty foods, chocolate and coffee while maintaining a Mediterranean diet and consuming alkaline water significantly reduced the symptoms and clinical signs of LPR. However, although the emphasis is on lifestyle and diet changes, the patients in our study took proton pump inhibitors daily, which could have contributed to better LPR-HRQL results. The study by Yang et al. (29) is also of interest, in which they compared the treatment of LPR by dietary and lifestyle changes with medication treatment. As much as 95 % of participants in the group that accepted diet change reported subjective improvement of LPR symptoms after the treatment. On the other hand, in the group of participants treated solely with anti-reflux medications, only 48 % of participants reported an improvement.

Table 5 Differences in the frequency of consumption of certain food items (divided in the first six food categories according to modified FFQ) by group with LPR symptoms at three measured times (Friedman's test post hoc Conover)
FoodMedian (interquartile range)p
Milk and dairy products
Milk3 (2–5)2 (1–4)2 (0–3)0.01
Fresh cottage cheese2 (1–3)2 (0–3)1 (0–2)0.005
Cream (w(milk fat)=12 %)3 (1–4)2 (0–3)1 (0–3)0.009§
Semi-hard and hard cheese2 (1–3)1 (1–2)1 (0–2)0.006§
Cheese spread (w(milk fat)=30 %)2 (1–3)2 (1–3)1 (0–2)0.003
Yogurt, acidophilus, kefir (w(milk fat)=2.8–3.2 %)3 (1–4)2 (1–3)1 (0–2)0.001
Milk and dairy products with added sugar
Cocoa/chocolate milk2 (0–2)1 (0–2)1 (0–1)0.02
Fruit yogurt2 (1–3)2 (0–2)1 (0–2)0.02
White bread (rolls and croissants)5 (3–5)3 (2–5)3 (0.5–4)<0.001
Rye/wholemeal bread (rolls and croissants)2 (0–3)3 (1.75–4)4 (3–5)<0.001
Polenta1 (0–1)1 (0–2)2 (1–3)<0.001
Breakfast cereals
Chocolate wheat flakes1 (0–2)2 (0–3)1 (0–2)0.006**
Cornflakes0 (0–2)1 (0–3)1.5 (0–2)0.02††
Orange juice3 (2–4)2 (0–3)1 (0–2)<0.001‡‡
Other juices3 (2–4)1 (0–3)1 (0–2)<0.001‡‡
Fruit juice2 (1–3.75)1 (0–2.25)1 (0–2)0.007
Sweet vitamin drink2 (1–3.75)1.5 (0–3)0 (0–2)0.005
Ice tea2 (1–3)1 (0–2)0 (0–2)<0.001
Carbonated soft drinks3 (2–4)2 (0–4)1 (0–2.5)<0.001‡‡
Non-alcoholic drinks (sugar-free)4.5 (3–5)5 (4–6)6 (5–7)<0.001‡‡
Fruit syrup (syrup concentrate)2 (1–3)2 (0–3)1 (0–2)0.002
Apple or pear3 (2–4)2 (0–3)2 (0–2)<0.001‡‡
Orange, grapefruit, tangerine3 (1.25–4)1 (0–2)0 (0–1)<0.001‡‡
Banana2 (1–3)3 (1–4)3 (2–4)<0.001‡‡
Melon, watermelon1 (0–1)2 (0–3)2 (1–3)<0.001‡‡
Grape2 (1–3)1 (0–3)0 (0–1.5)<0.001‡‡
Pineapple0 (0–1)1 (0–2)1 (0–1.25)0.009*

significantly most consumed at t=0 day, significantly least consumed after t=60 day, §significantly less consumed after t=60 day than at t=0 day, *significantly least consumed at t=0 day, **significantly more consumed after t=30 day than after t=60 day, ††significantly less consumed at t=0 day than after t=30 day, ‡‡frequency of consumption is significantly different between all measurements, p<0.05

Table 6 Differences in the frequency of consumption of certain food items (divided in another six food categories according to modified FFQ; continuation ofTable 5) by group with LPR symptoms at three measured times (Friedman's test post hoc Conover)
FoodMedian (interquartile range)p
Onion, garlic3 (2–4)2 (1–4)2 (1–2.75)<0.001‡‡
Peppers (fresh and sauces)3 (2–4)2 (1–3)1 (0–2)0.002§
Tomato (fresh, sauces and salsas)3 (2–4)2 (1–2)1 (0–1.5)<0.001‡‡
Cabbage, kale2 (1–3)1 (1–2.25)1 (0–2)0.002§
Lettuce3 (2–4)2 (1–2)1 (0–2)<0.001‡‡
Mixed vegetables3 (1–3)2 (1–2)2 (1–3)0.03
Meat, fish and eggs
Minced meat Schnitzel2 (1–3)1 (1–2)1 (0–2)<0.001‡‡
Breaded chicken2 (2–3)2 (1–2)1 (0–3)0.004
Fish (white and oily)1 (0–2)2 (1–3)2 (1–3)<0.001*
Processed meat
Hot dog2 (1–3)1.5 (0–2)1 (0–2)<0.001‡‡
Sausage2 (1–3)2 (1–2.5)1 (0–1)<0.001‡‡
Salami3 (2–4)2 (1–3)1 (0–2)<0.001‡‡
Pate3 (1–3)2 (1–3)1 (1–2)0.007
Bacon3 (2–3)1.5 (1–2.25)1 (0–2)<0.001‡‡
Bologna2 (0–4)1 (0–2)1 (0–2)<0.001
Salty snacks, sweets and cakes
Crisps (any kind)2 (1–3)1 (0–3)1 (0–1)<0.001**
Biscuits2 (1–3)1 (0.5–2)1 (0–1)0.001**
Cakes (dry, creamy)2 (1–3)1 (0–2)1 (0–1.5)<0.001‡‡
Chocolate3 (2–3)2 (1–3)1 (1–2)<0.001‡‡
Chewing gum (with sugar, sugar-free)3 (2–4)2 (1–3)2 (0.5–3)0.001
Fat and oil
Butter3 (1–4)2 (1–3)2 (1–3)0.02
Oil4 (2–5)3 (2–4)3 (1–4)0.001§
Fast food
Hamburger2 (1–3)1 (0–2)0 (0–1)<0.001‡‡
Pizza2 (1–3)1 (0–2)0 (0–1)<0.001‡‡

significantly more consumed at t=0 day than after t=30 day, significantly most consumed at t=0 day, §significantly less consumed after t=60 day than at t=0 day, *significantly least consumed at t=0 day, **significantly least consumed after t=60 day, ‡‡frequency of consumption is significantly different between all measurements, p<0.05

One of the limitations of this study is that the dietary habits in this study are specific to the population of eastern Croatia and may be very different from those of other regions, but nevertheless it shows a difference in the consumption of certain food groups between participants with and without LPR. Furthermore, FFQ-m questionnaire has so far been validated only for the adolescent population and not for adults. Another limitation of this study is that the treatment outcome was assessed using the subjective LPR-HRQL questionnaire, which is still a subjective measure, and that the quality of life was compared only between the use of esomeprazole and pantoprazole. In addition, this study could be further adapted and extended by including an additional dietary questionnaire and comparing the quality of life after the use of different proton pump inhibitors available on the market.


Treatment with proton pump inhibitors at a dose of 20 mg twice daily and dietary and general lifestyle changes for a duration of two months reduced the symptoms across all domains of LPR and improved the quality of patients’ life. Patients with LPR consume more high-reflux potential foods and drink more carbonated beverages and juices than the healthy population, who consume more low-reflux potential foods and non-alcoholic beverages. Changing dietary habits to include low-reflux potential foods and water while avoiding acidic, spicy, fermented, sweet, fried foods, other high-reflux potential foods, carbonated beverages and juices significantly reduces symptoms in all domains of LPR and improves quality of life. The use of LPR-HRQL as an instrument can facilitate future research that aims to evaluate and compare different LPR therapies.


The authors would like to thank all the participants who complied to participate in the study.


[1] Conflicts of interest CONFLICT OF INTEREST

The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.



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