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  • Publication date: 31.03.2002.
  • Published on HRČAK: 13.04.2007.

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Plecotus microdontus (Mammalia: Vespertilionidae), a new bat species from Austria (page 1-18)

F. Spitzenberger, E. Haring, N. Tvrtković
Original scientific paper

Lovricia aenigmatica – a new species of troglobitic beetle from Croatia (Coleoptera: Carabidae). (page 19-25)

J. Lakota, R. Mlejnek, B. Jalžić
Original scientific paper

Tectonic setting of recently found gypsum deposits of Mt. Medvednica (Northwestern Croatia) (page 27-51)

D. Jamičić, Da. Slovenec
Original scientific paper

A contribution to the flora of Tijarica in southern Croatia (page 53-75)

M. Plazibat
Original scientific paper

Flora of the small islands of Murter (page 77-101)

M. Pandža
Original scientific paper

A mixed brood of nuthatch (Sitta europaea) and great tit (Parus major) species (page 103-105)

Z. Dolenec
Short communication, Note

New localities of the species Convolvulus cneorum L. (Convolvulaceae) in Croatia (page 113-118)

M. Pandža
Short communication, Note

Rosa zalana Wiesb. (Rosaceae) in the flora of Croatia (page 119-123)

I. Trinajstić
Short communication, Note

Terenske florne liste (page 125-137)

Field floristic lists (page 125-137)

T. Nikolić, I. Dobrović
Review article

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