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  • Publication date: 09.06.2003.
  • Published on HRČAK: 19.04.2007.

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The Prevalence of Minor Anomalies in Children with Visual Impairments (page 1-10)

Zlatko Ulovec, Zvonko Šošić, Ilija Škrinjarić, Lajos Szirovicza, Jelka Jukić
Original scientific paper

Morphological Errors in Discorse of Children with SLI (page 11-16)

Diana Arapović, Maja Anđel
Original scientific paper

Development of Phonological Awareness and Learning to Read: Three-Years Longitudinal Study (page 17-32)

Svjetlana Kolić-Vehovec
Original scientific paper

Perception of Conditions for Healthy Development as POssible Protective Factor in Behaviour Disorders Prevention (page 33-48)

Valentina Kranželić Tavra, Marija Lebedina Manzoni
Original scientific paper

The Importance of Visual Control in Auditive Speech Communication among Persons with Presbyacusis (page 49-56)

Morana Vouk, Branko Radovančić
Original scientific paper

Influence of Training on Motoric and Functional Abilities of Alpine Skiers with Mental Retardation (page 57-62)

Bojan Matković, Vladimir Janković, Damir Knjaz
Original scientific paper

The Impact of Rehabilitation on Mastering the Independent Mobility Technique of the Blind Veterans (page 62-72)

Tina Runjić, Branko Nikolić, Ante Bilić-Prcić
Original scientific paper

Therapeutic Horseback Riding and Rehabilitation Sciences (page 73-82)

Zora Itković, Sofija Boras
Preliminary communication

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