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Croatica Chemica Acta , Vol. 28 No. 1, 1956.

  • Publication date: 02.04.1956.
  • Published on HRČAK: 02.01.2021.

Table of contents

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CCA - Promjena imena - Name change (page 1-4)

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Enzymatic Resolution of O-Methyl-N-acetyl-DL-serine.Amino Acids. XXXII (page 5-8)

M. Jager, S. Iskrić, M. Wickerhauser
Original scientific paper

The Kinetics of Oxidation of Aldehydes to Acidsand Acid Anhydrides. II (page 19-24)

I. Brihta, T. Vrbaški
Original scientific paper

Uber die Luminescenz des Luminols. VII. Die Wirkung von Fremdstoffzusatz auf die Luminolreaktion (page 25-32)

K. Weber, Ž. Prochazka, I. Špoljarić
Original scientific paper

Uber die Luminescenz des Luminols. VIII. Eine sehr wirksame Inhibition der Luminolreaktion (page 33-39)

K. Weber, R. Kostelac
Original scientific paper

On the Changes of Viscosity Preceding the Precipitationof Aluminium Hydrate from Aluminate Solutions (page 41-51)

H. Iveković, T. Vrbaški, D. Pavlović
Original scientific paper

Prispevek k studiju uporabnosti Dennstedtove metode za sezigorganskih spojin z visoko v sebnostjo dušika (page 53-56)

M. Perpar, N. Prus, M. Tišler
Original scientific paper

Sinteze u redu difeniletera. IV. O fenoksifenilhidrazinima (page 57-65)

V. Hahn, V. Škarić, E. Miler, Ž. Stojanac
Original scientific paper

A Route for the Synthesis of Substituted Dioxene Derivatives (page 67-68)

K. Balenović, N. Bregant
Short communication, Note

Prilog o određivanju arsena u piritu (page 69-71)

D. Živanović
Short communication, Note

Application of the Arndt-Eistert Synthesis to the Preparation of Dipeptides of β-Amino Acids (page 73-76)

D. Fleš, A. Markovac-Prpić
Short communication, Note

Aparatura za mikro- in semimikrohidrogeniranje (page 77-78)

M. Tišler

Book Reviews (page 79-80)

S. Miholić, T. Marković
Case report

Conclusion - Obavijest članovima (page A18-A18)

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Bibliographia Chemica Croatica (page B1-B3)

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Ads (page 0-0)

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Cover Page (page 0-0)

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Impressum and Instructions to authors (page 0-0)

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Table of Contents (page 0-0)

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