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  • Publication date: 05.06.1995.
  • Published on HRČAK: 11.04.2006.

Table of contents

Full text

Uz jubilej časopisa "Život" - "Obnovljeni život" (page 239-239)

Ivan Koprek

The fifty annual file of the magazine "Život - Obnovljeni život" (page 249-249)

Rudolf Brajičić
Professional paper

Bibliografija Život - Obnovljeni život (page 251-395)

Katica Knezović

The Just man will stay in the eternal memory (Ps 112,7) (page 416-416)

Bonaventura Duda
Preliminary communication

The Reminiscence of the reader of "Život" (page 421-421)

Ivo Sečkar
Preliminary communication

Vlado Andrilović, Veliki hrast "Privlačica", Privlaka (page 430-433)

Dubravka Težak
Case report

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