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Bogoslovska smotra , Vol. 85 No. 1, 2015.

  • Publication date: 30.04.2015.
  • Published on HRČAK: 30.04.2015.

Table of contents

Full text

Index (page 7-7)

Sadržaj (page 3-4)

Contents (page 5-5)


Teologija – javno lice vjere (page 9-16)

Stjepan Kušar

IX. Dies Thelogicus. Program (page 17-23)


Meeting Vjekoslav Bajsić (page 25-40)

Josip Oslić
Original scientific paper

Vjekoslav Bajsić in Dialogue (page 41-56)

Stipe Tadić
Review article

The Theological Path of Tomislav Janko Šagi-Bunić (page 57-92)

Andrea Filić
Original scientific paper

Panel diskusija: prof. dr. sc. Vjekoslav Bajsić (page 131-152)

Danijel Labaš, Ivan Golub, Mirko Mataušić, Josip Krpeljević, Stjepan Brebrić

Panel diskusija: prof. dr. sc. Tomislav Janko Šagi-Bunić (page 153-167)

Danijel Labaš, Josip Bratulić, Bono Zvonimir Šagi, Božidar Brezinčak Bagola

Fragmenti o Vjekoslavu Bajsiću (page 169-186)

Stjepan Brebrić

Moja sjećanja na Tomislava Šagi-Bunića - patra Šagija (page 187-212)

Ivan Golub

Vita consecrata – confessio Trinitatis. The Triune Dimension of a Life Consecrated to God (page 213-233)

Marija Pehar, Vinka Marović
Review article

Obstacles for Marriage in Light of the Family and Canon Law (page 235-265)

Ivan Šimović
Review article

Adrese suradnika (page 316-318)

Addresses of Contributors (page 316-318)


Impresum (page 0-0)

Impresum (page 0-0)

Impressum (page 0-0)


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