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Portal hrvatskih znanstvenih i stručnih časopisa

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Hrčak je centralni portal koji na jednom mjestu okuplja hrvatske znanstvene i stručne časopise koji nude otvoreni pristup svojim radovima (više).

  • 548


  • 23.131


  • 299.788

    Radova s cjelovitim tekstom

  • 86.431

    ORCID identifikatora

10 najnovijih online first radova u Hrčku

  1. Financing start-up entrepreneurs and established v... , Review of Innovation and Competitiveness
  2. Analysis of homogeneity and isotropy of the flow i... , Advances in Civil and Architectural Engineering
  3. Development of single and multi-coil MR damper sub... , Advances in Civil and Architectural Engineering
  4. Impact of variations in the molarity of sodium hyd... , Advances in Civil and Architectural Engineering
  5. Fibre-reinforced concrete as an aspect of green co... , Advances in Civil and Architectural Engineering
  6. Improvement of Physical and Mechanical properties... , Advances in Civil and Architectural Engineering
  7. Deficiencies of technical specifications in tender... , Advances in Civil and Architectural Engineering
  8. Risk factors in international rail-system projects , Advances in Civil and Architectural Engineering
  9. Multi-objective Optimization in EDM Process Using... , International Journal for Engineering Modelling
  10. A reliability and kinetic analysis of the 10/5 rep... , Kinesiology