Osporavanje reproduktivnih prava žena pravnom mobilizacijom antirodnog pokreta u Republici Hrvatskoj



reproductive rights, anti-gender movement, legal moblization, contestation of women's rights, Croatia



Despite the political and activist results of the feminist movement, which led to the recognition of sexual and reproductive rights as human right in the second half of the 20th century, a worldwide derogation of women's already acquired rights and the denial and erosion of (reproductive) self-determination for women and couples alike is taking place. This article is researching the ways a legal mobilization and use of intra-institutional means are deployed as tactics utilized by the Croatian anti-gender movement. Scientific literature has established the transnational character of the anti-gender movement and identified a match between their tactics, in different countries, one of the tactics being legal mobilization and strategic use of democratic tools to undermine women's reproductive rights. In this paper, we present how the Croatian anti-gender movement uses legal mobilization by acting intra-institutionally by initiating procedures to assess the compliance of regulations with the Constitution, and at the same time, it undertakes a series of activities outside the institution, such as gatherings and protests, which seek to limit the sexual and reproductive rights of women.



How to Cite

Petričušić, A. and Delić, D. (2024) “Osporavanje reproduktivnih prava žena pravnom mobilizacijom antirodnog pokreta u Republici Hrvatskoj”, Croatian Sociological Review, 54(1), pp. 35–62. Available at: https://hrcak.srce.hr/ojs/index.php/rzs/article/view/27156 (Accessed: 12September2024).



Scientific articles (original research & review articles)