
Abstracting and indexing services:

CEEAS – Central & Eastern European Academic Source (EBSCO, Ipswich, USA); CEEOL – Central and Eastern European Online Library (Frankfurt am Main, Germany); DOAJ – Directory of Open Access Journals (Lund, Sweden); ERIH PLUS – The European Reference Index for the Humanities and the Social Sciences (Bergen, Norway); IBSS – International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (London, UK); Political Science Complete (EBSCO, Ipswich, USA); ProQuest Central (Ann Arbor, USA); ProQuest Sociology (Ann Arbor, USA); ProQuest Social Science Journals (Ann Arbor, USA); Social Services Abstracts (ProQuest, Ann Arbor, USA); Sociological Abstracts, Inc. (San Diego, USA); SCOPUS (Elsevier, Amsterdam, Netherlands); SocINDEX (EBSCO, Ipswich, USA); Worldwide Political Science Abstracts (San Diego, USA)

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