Tuareg Travelling to Europe: Particularities and Continuities


  • Sarah Lunaček University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology, Ljubljana, Slovenia


Considering the Nigerien Tuareg migrations to Europe two main features can be noticed: first, a pattern of return migration and, second, the inclusion of European friends in the networks used in travelling to Europe. The first feature agrees with certain nomadic ideas of travel like gaining new knowledge to adapt at home. Therefore, all the other traits of Tuareg experiences in travelling to Europe are compared to the nomadic concept of travelling (esuf and the idea of cultural baggage). The second feature presents a continuity of mobility in which networks of relatives and friends are used. To see how European friends get included, we need to take a look at the opportunities for their encounters. Migrations to Libya are considered to show how Libya is replacing the role of Europe. The author argues that by looking for continuities in mobilities, as proposed in African migration studies, one can also better understand the migration patterns to Europe.



