Information For Authors

SOCIOLOGY AND SPACE is a quarterly journal for spatial and socio-cultural development studies. It publishes only scientific papers dealing with the sociology of space (both urban and rural) and related disciplines (urbanism, architecture, social geography, demography, urban economics, urban anthroplogy, social ecology, etc.).

Submitted articles receive two (occasionally three) double-blind peer reviews, cannot be previously published and are in the Croatian and English language.

Articles (including footnotes, bibliography, charts and tables, abstract) may be up to 27 cards of text in length (one card of text consists of 1,800 characters with spaces). Each article is preceded by an abstract in Croatian and English, up to 250 words in length, followed by keywords (maximum number of words is 8) which reveal the theoretical approaches, methodology, empirical results or the line of reasoning in the manuscript.

Reviews are not strictly limited to space issues and cannot have more than 8 cards of text. Reviewed books and journals have to be published within the last three years. Each review states the name of the author and the title of the reviewed work, the publisher, the place and date of publication and the number of pages. Each review is signed by the reviewer’s full name.

All papers are submitted electronically in Word format (font 12) using OJS system.

The first page of the paper contains the author’s full name, e-mail address, the place of  employment (name and address), the paper title.

Pages are numbered at the bottom right hand corner (bibliography pages included). Foot- notes are numbered and placed at the bottom of the page.

Every chapter, tables and figures are numbered and clearly captioned, their source mentioned. Tables are black and white in standard MS Office programmes.

Italic type is to be avoided unless it is used for terms which are in contrast with the rest of the text. Words and  phrases  from  foreign  languages  (unless  they  are  quotes)  are written in italic type. Movie titles, art and music works are also written in italic (One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, the Troubadour, da Vinci’s Mona Lisa).

Dates are written as follows: 7th December 1981. Numbers which are at the beginning of a sentence and approximate numbers are written as follows: a hundred, a thousand, a million. Numbers over 10,000 are written using commas, e.g. 105,278; 8,753,875,000.

For direct quotes, quotation marks are used. A direct quote from another author’s text is put in quotation marks. If a part of the quoted text is omitted, this is marked as follows: […]. Works in the bibliography are listed in alphabetical order. If several works of one author are listed and the year of release is the same, letters a, b, c etc. are put after the   year of publication.

Book – single-author

in text: (Kuvačić, 2004.); Kuvačić (2004.); (Kuvačić, 2004.:235)

reference list: 

Kuvačić, I. (2004). Uvod u sociologiju. Zagreb: Golden marketing – Tehnička knjiga.

Book – two-author

in text: (Tomić-Koludrović i Leburić, 2002.); Tomić-Koludrović i Leburić (2002.); (Tomić-Koludrović i Leburić, 2002.:169)

reference list: 

Tomić-Koludrović, I. i Leburić, A. (2002). Sociologija životnog stila. Zagreb: Jesenski i Turk.

Book – three-author

in text: (Ilišin, Marinović Bobinac i Radin, 2001.) – prvi put navesti sva tri autora, zatim: (Ilišin i sur., 2001.) Ilišin i sur. (2001.) (Ilišin i sur., 2001.:93)

reference list: 

Ilišin, V., Marinović Bobinac, A. i Radin, F. (2001). Djeca i mediji. Zagreb: IDIZ.

Book - four-author and more

in text: (Sekulić i sur., 2004); Sekulić i sur. (2004.); Sekulić i sur., 2004.:105)

reference list: 

Sekulić, D.; Šporer Ž.; Hodson R.; Massey, G.; Županov, J. (2004). Sukob i tolerancija: O društvenoj uvjetovanosti nacionalizma i demokracije. Zagreb: Hrvatsko sociološko društvo.

Journal article - single-author

in text: (Marinović Jerolimov, 2005.); Marinović Jerolimov (2005.); (Marinović Jerolimov, 2005.:317)

reference list: 

Marinović Jerolimov, D. (2005). Tradicionalna religioznost u Hrvatskoj 2004.: između kolektivnog i individualnog. Sociologija sela, 168 (2):303-338.

Journal article - two-author

in text: (Perasović i Bartoluci, 2007.); Perasović i Bartoluci (2007.); (Perasović i Bartoluci, 2007.:108)

reference list: 

Perasović, B. i Bartoluci, S. (2007). Sociologija sporta u hrvatskom kontekstu. Sociologija i prostor, 175 (1):105-120.

Journal article - three-author

in text: (Štulhofer, Jureša i Mamula, 2000.) – prvi put navesti sva tri autora, zatim: (Štulhofer i sur., 2000.); Štulhofer i sur. (2000.); (Štulhofer i sur., 2000.:869)

reference list: 

Štulhofer, A.; Jureša, V. i Mamula, M. (2000). Problematični užici: rizično seksualno ponašanje u kasnoj adolescenciji. Društvena istraživanja, 50 (6):867-896.

Journal article - four-author and more

in text: (Balenović i sur., 2000.); Balenović i sur. (2000.); (Balenović i sur., 2000.:813)

reference list: 

Balenović, T.; Hromatko, I.; Markovina, J.; Perica, V.; Paratušić, A.; Poljanić, S. (2000). Studentska percepcija seksualnog uznemiravanja. Društvena istraživanja, 50 (6):811-828.


in text: (Grubišić i Zrinščak, 1999.); Grubišić i Zrinščak (1999.); (Grubišić i Zrinščak, 1999.:143)

reference list: 

Grubišić, I. i Zrinščak, S. (Ur.) (1999). Religija i integracija. Zagreb: Institut društvenih znanosti Ivo Pilar.

Article in Proceedings

in text: (Jukić, 1999.); Jukić (1999.); (Jukić, 1999.:60)

reference list: 

Jukić, J. (1999). Religijske integracije i uloga pomirenja, u: Grubišić Ivan i Zrinščak Siniša (Ur.). Religija i integracija. Zagreb: Institut društvenih znanosti Ivo Pilar.

 Newspaper Article

in text: (Dumenil  i Bidet, 2007.); Dumenil i Bidet (2007.); (Dumenil i Bidet, 2007.:24)

reference list: 

Dumenil, G. i Bidet, J. (2007). Jedan drugi marksizam za jedan drugi svijet. Le Mond diplomatique, listopad 2007.

Institutional publications

in text: (Državni zavod za statistiku [DZS], 2006.) – prvi put navesti puni naslov institucije (DZS, 2005.); DZS (2006.); (DZS, 2006.:987) – u sljedećim navođenjima koristiti akronim

reference list: 

Državni zavod za statistiku (2006). Statistički ljetopis 2006. Zagreb: Državni zavod za statistiku.

Website articles

in text: (Cedermann, 2007.); Cedermann (2007.); (Cedermann, 2007.:86)

reference list: 

Cedermann, L-E. (2007). Computational Models of Social Forms: Advancing Generative Process Theory. American Journal of Sociology, 110 (4). Pregledano 29. studenog 2007. ( tents/v110n4. html?erFrom=-1669774549191795122Guest).

Low and Standard

in text: (Zakon o zaštiti okoliša [ZOZO], NN 110/07) – prvo navođenje; (ZOZO, NN 110/07) – sljedeća navođenja

reference list: 

Zakon o zaštiti okoliša, Narodne novine 110 od 2007.

As part of the submission process you will be required to warrant that you are submitting your original work, that you have the rights in the work, that you are submitting the work for first publication in the Journal and that it is not being considered for publication elsewhere and has not already been published elsewhere, and that you have obtained and can supply all necessary permissions for the reproduction of any copyright works not owned by you.
