Comparative analysis of the situational awareness and OODA loop concepts


  • Miro Colic


situation awareness, OODA loop, military decision-making process, COPD


The OODA loop, developed by the United States Air Force Colonel John Boyd, and the concept of situation awareness (SA), proposed by Dr. Mica Endsley, a former Chief Scientist of the United States Air Force, were analysed and compared in this paper to show the contributions of these concepts to the contemporary planning and implementation of military operations. Specific characteristics of these concepts and their application in the planning, preparation and implementation of military operations have been elaborated. In the paper, the NATO Comprehensive Operations Planning Directive (COPD), endorsed by the Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE, 2013) was used to compare the OODA loop with SA. It explains the fact that the OODA loop and SA have in an original and quality way improved the system of military decision-making and operation planning, and are among the most important concepts in NATO, the EU and their member states that were used in the planning of military operations at the beginning of the twenty first century. The application of the concept of SA and the OODA loop also facilitated the introduction of disruptive technology into the military decision-making process, which accelerated and increased the quality of the decision-making process. In addition to military application, SA and OODA loop are increasingly applied in planning processes for civilian use.

Author Biography

Miro Colic

Brigadir MIRO ČOLIĆ ( prodekan je za vojnu izobrazbu na Hrvatskom vojnom učilištu „Dr. Franjo Tuđman” (HVU), Ilica 256b, Zagreb, Republika Hrvatska. Magistar je fizike i doktorski kandidat na Fakultetu elektrotehnike i računarstva u Zagrebu. Predavač je predmeta Vojna strategija i operacije na Ratnoj školi HVU-a. Kao predavač sudjeluje u provedbi preddiplomskih i diplomskih vojnih sveučilišnih studijskih programa akreditiranih na Sveučilištu u Zagrebu. U okviru projekta Europske unije, Sectoral Qualifications Framework – Military Officer Profession (SQF – MILOF) koji vodi European Security and Defence College, predstavnik je RH/MORH u radnoj skupini (Executive Group) na razini EU-a. Pored toga u okviru NATO Science & Technology (NATO STO) programa, predstavnik je MORH/OSRH u NATO Modelling and Simulation Group (NMSG). Njegova područja interesa i istraživanja su: vojna strategija, vojne operacije, krizno upravljanje, računalno modeliranje i simulacije, prijelomne tehnologije, protuoklopni vođeni raketni sustavi i digitalizacija stjecanja kompetencija za potrebe oružanih snaga.





Scientific review paper