Strategos, December
Vol. 6 No. 2 (2022)Marija Bortek, Andrija Kozina
Contemporary forms of warfare – insurgency and counterinsurgency operations Case study: Syrian Arab Republic
Scientific review paper
Ivan Trlin, Dijana Gracin
Legal Gap and/or Lack of Analysis of Criminal Offences against the Croatian Armed Forces
Scientific review paper
Davor Ćutić
Defence diplomacy and international relations
Scientific review paper
Mihael Dedo, Robert Fabac, Tomislav Sunko
Team leadership and teamwork in the Croatian Navy – Maritime Interdiction Operations Teams
Scientific Review Paper
Dijana Gracin, Jadranka Herceg, Žana Kovačić
Izazovi u razmatranjima o eutanaziji kao kaznenom djelu i činu milosrđa
Pregledni znanstveni rad
Miro Čolić
Komparativna analiza koncepta situacijske svjesnosti i OODA petlje
Pregledni znanstveni rad
Tomislav Kravaica
Improving the integrity of military-defence communication systems using network access points with a focus on terrestrial
adio-relay links
Professional paper
Book review
Prikaz knjige
Vol. 6 No. 1 (2022)- The impact of demographic regimes on the human resource management in the field of defence, Blaž Beretin
- Constitutional Derogations of Human Rights in a State
of Emergency – European Experiences in the COVID-19 Pandemic, Biljana Karovska Andonovska - The War of Armenia and Azerbaijan 2020 – Lessons Learned, Slobodan Čurčija, Lojze Pavič
- The Current Model and the Proposal for the Future Formation of the Military Reserve in the Republic of Slovenia, Slobodan Čurčija, Ernest Pleh
Strategos Vol VII No 1, July 2023
Vol. 7 No. 1 (2023)DRAŽEN SMILJANIĆ
Examining the opportunities and potential of Artificial Intelligence
in national security and defence .... 13 - 31 (Review scientific paper)DARKO ŠČAVNIČAR
Streamlining the delivery of military education through
the distance learning method .... 33 - 69 (Original scientific paper)VALENTINA BARTULOVIĆ, ZVONKO TRZUN, MATIJA HOIĆ
Use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Support of Artillery Operations ....... 71 - 92 (Original scientific paper)MELITA BOLTUŽIĆ
The Role of the “Rudolf Perešin”
Training Center in the Military and Defense Segment .... 93 - 104 (Professional paper)MARIO BRKIĆ
Availability of geomagnetic information .... 105 - 112 (Review scientific paper)DRAŽEN SMILJANIĆ
Artificial intelligence – the ends, ways or means of strategic competition? ... 113 - 140 (Review scientific paper)