lifelong support agreement, registration, pre-registration, and recording in the land registry.Abstract
In this work the author shows important features of lifelong support agreements, especially in relation to real estate as the subject of lifelong support agreements, and points out to entries in the land register which can be made based on the mentioned agreement, as well as to legal ramifications of the specific entries. A special attention is given to the difference in interpretation of the content of provisions related to the content of lifelong support agreements and entries in the land register according to the Civil Obligations Act and the Land Register Act. The vagueness of provisions of the Land Register Act will be pointed out, the effects of lifelong support agreement entries, and how those entries relate to other types of entries in the land register. A special attention is given to varying court practices, especially in relation to registering property rights based on lifelong support agreements.
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- 2023-12-21 (2)
- 2023-04-19 (1)
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