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Zbornik Lovranšćine , Vol. 1 No. 1, 2010.

  • Publication date: 27.03.2010.
  • Published on HRČAK: 13.11.2015.

Table of contents

Full text

Otkrivaju se lovranska otajstva (page 7-11)

Cvjetana Miletić

Riječ glavnog urednika (page 15-18)

Igor Eterović

The Tourist Guides of Lovran by Eduard Seis as Historical Sources (page 141-179)

Igor Eterović
Review article

Architecture of Lovran in the late Middle Ages and early modern period (page 215-254)

Marijan Bradanović
Original scientific paper

Glagolitic heritage of Lovran and its current research (page 281-300)

Ivana Sanković
Review article

Idioms of Lovranšćina in a previous dialectological literature (page 301-312)

Silvana Vranić, Ivana Nežić
Review article

Literary face of Lovran (page 313-349)

Vjekoslava Jurdana
Review article

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