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Croatian Sociological Review , Vol. 8 No. 1-2, 1978.

  • Publication date: 30.06.1978.
  • Published on HRČAK: 20.04.2016.

Table of contents

Full text

Impressum (page I-I)


Sadržaj (page II-II)


Contents (page III-III)


Uvodnik (page 3-5)


Uz ovaj broj (page 6-7)


The Relationship of Values and Individual Forms of Social Consciousness (page 16-28)

Mladen Čaldarović
Original scientific paper

Between Tradition and Traditionalism (page 29-36)

Esad Ćimić
Original scientific paper

Religijske varijacije (page 37-45)

Religious Variations (page 37-45)

Nikola Dugandžija
Conference paper

The Value Aspects of Planning – The Problem of Accepting the New Social Groups (page 46-53)

Vjeran Katunarić
Preliminary communication

Value Orientations of Young People (page 54-61)

Alija Hodžić
Preliminary communication

Alienation and Morale: Some Remarks on Socialism and Morale (page 62-66)

Josip Herceg
Preliminary communication

Values and the Complementarity of Housing Spaces (page 67-74)

Ognjen Čaldarović, Slavko Dakić, Fedor Kritovac, Vladimir Lay
Preliminary communication

City Planning and the Processes of Social Integration (page 96-102)

Ognjen Čaldarović

Theodore Roszak, Kontrakultura (page 112-115)

Mata Bošnjaković
Case report

Ivan Kuvačić, Znanost i društvo (page 120-123)

Branko Burzić
Case report

Ludwig Landgrebe, Suvremena filozofija (page 124-126)

Azra Kozarčanin
Case report

Marko Oršolić, Camilo Torres – kršćanin u službi revolucije (page 126-128)

Nikola Skledar
Case report

The British Journal of Sociology, Vol. 28, No 1. (page 129-137)

Josip Kregar
Case report

American Journal of Sociology, Vol. 83, Number 6. (page 137-144)

Drago Čengić
Case report

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