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  • Publication date: 31.10.2017.
  • Published on HRČAK: 11.04.2018.

Table of contents

Full text

Population of Southeastern Baranya from the 16th to the Early 20th Century (page 0-0)

Luka Jakopčić, Mislav Matišić
Original scientific paper

The Baroque Parterre of the Castle Eltz in Vukovar (page 0-0)

Zlatko Uzelac
Review article

Dr. Ivan Krapac – biskup dobrotvor i graditelj Sjemeništa (1910.-1916.) (page 121-180)

Marin Srakić
Original scientific paper

The Old Catholic Movement in Habjanovci between the two World Wars (page 0-0)

Domagoj Tomas
Original scientific paper

Odgovor na razmišljanja Aleksandra Horvata (page 443-447)

Suzana Leček

Dr. Ive Mažuran (1928.-2016.) (page 449-450)

Darko Vitek
In memoriam, Obituary

Dr. fra Andrija (Josip) Zirdum (1937.-2017.) (page 451-455)

Mato Artuković
In memoriam, Obituary

Prikazi i osvrti (page 461-496)

Case report

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