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  • Publication date: 21.12.2019.
  • Published on HRČAK: 21.12.2019.

Table of contents

Full text

Sadržaj (page 1-2)

Content (page 1-2)


Musings on Ethnomusicology, Interdisciplinarity, Intradisciplinarity, and Decoloniality (page 3-39)

Naila Ceribašić, Regina F. Bendix, Ana Hofman, Olga Pashina, Timothy Rice, Jonathan P. J. Stock
Original scientific paper

Caring Entrepreneurship in Women's Work Practices. From the Reproduction to Destruction of Patriarchy (page 101-101)

Orlanda Obad, Tea Škokić
Original scientific paper

Precarity. The Economic-Political and Social Phenomenon of the Contemporary World (page 136-136)

Hajrudin Hromadžić, Antonija Zgaljardić
Review article

Razgovor s Ruijem Gomesom Coelhom. U razmišljanju o baštini ne postoji neutralnost (page 223-238)

Sanja Horvatinčić, Vesna Vuković
Professional paper

Nagrade i priznanja Hrvatskog etnološkog društva u 2018. godini (page 239-245)

Uredništvo Uredništvo

Prikazi / Book Reviews (page 246-273)

Sanja Potkonjak, Tanja Petrović, Nejra Nuna Čengić, Ana-Marija Vukušić, Maja Osmančević, Tanja Kocković Zaborski, Andrej Ivan Nuredinović, Andrew Hodges, Matija Dronjić, Melanija Belaj, Ivona Grgurinović
Case report

Upute autorima / Notes for Authors (page 274-274)


Autori / Contributors (page 275-276)

Autori / Contributors (page 275-276)


Impresum (page 0-0)

Impresum (page 0-0)


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