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  • Publication date: 20.10.1993.
  • Published on HRČAK: 30.04.2011.

Table of contents

Full text

Philosophy as the greatest and last battle in the work of Lav Šestov (page 411-411)

Nikola Stanković
Original scientific paper

Evanđelje milosrđa (page 439-457)

The gospel of mercy (page 457-457)

Celestin Tomić
Original scientific paper

The hospice as a means of promoting the culture of life (page 476-476)

Valentin Pozaić
Preliminary communication

A critical review of a psychology textbook for secondary schools (page 489-489)

Mijo Nikić
Review article

Job and Jesus at the same time. The christian under suffering (page 502-502)

Pero Vidović
Review article

The person in the documents of the 2nd Vatican Council (page 514-514)

Rudolf Brajičić
Review article

Katekumeni - nada Crkve (page 515-519)

Ivan Šestak

Dokle, Gospodine? (page 519-524)

Stjepan Kuzmić

Nad zgarištem (page 525-528)

s. Marija od Presvetog Srca

Iziđi mi u susret (page 528-530)

s. Marija od Presvetog Srca

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