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  • Publication date: 01.06.1994.
  • Published on HRČAK: 14.01.2014.

Table of contents

Full text

Thomas Jefferson's Life (page 3-26)

Dumas Malone

Thomas Jefferson and the Foundations of the American Government (page 27-44)

Štefica Deren-Antoljak
Original scientific paper

Thomas Jefferson and Political Philosophy (page 45-62)

Šefko Kurtović
Original scientific paper

On "Heroes" and the Creation of the United States of America (page 63-69)

Drago Roksandić
Original scientific paper

Thomas Jefferson: Certan Features of the American Political Thought (page 70-76)

Zvonko Posavec
Original scientific paper

Thomas Jefferson: On "The Harmonization of the Political Sentiments of the Day" (page 77-87)

Alan Uzelac
Original scientific paper

Universality and Topicality of the Jeffersonian Democracy (page 88-93)

Jovan Mirić
Original scientific paper

A Note on the Authenticity and the Attribution of the Declaration of Independence (page 94-96)

Ivan Grdešić
Original scientific paper

Thomas Jefferson: Izbor iz autobiografije i pisama (page 97-142)

Thomas Jefferson

In a Modest Defense of Nation-State (page 156-168)

David Miller
Original scientific paper

Constitution and the Communitarian Democracy (page 169-182)

Wolfgang Kersting
Original scientific paper

Rawls na planini? (page 183-192)

Rawls on a mountain? (page 183-192)

Zoran Kurelić
Original scientific paper

Adam Przeworski: Democracy and the market (page 195-197)

Tonči Kursar
Case report

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