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Osječki zbornik , Vol. Vol. 37 No. xx, 2022.

  • Publication date: 14.03.2022.
  • Published on HRČAK: 17.05.2022.

Table of contents

Full text

Roman Amphitheatre in Mursa (page 21-21)

Marin Buovac
Professional paper

Kuhač and Osijek Musicians: Osijek Musical Life in the Second Half of the 19th Century (page 70-70)

Miroslava Hadžihusejnović Valašek
Review article

Chest and Its Owners (page 84-84)

Erwin Trischler
Professional paper

A Contribution to the Research Of Architectural Opus Miro Safner (1928-2007) (page 92-92)

Jasenka Kranjčević
Preliminary communication

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