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Portal hrvatskih znanstvenih i stručnih časopisa

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Hrčak je centralni portal koji na jednom mjestu okuplja hrvatske znanstvene i stručne časopise koji nude otvoreni pristup svojim radovima (više).

  • 547


  • 23.014


  • 298.379

    Radova s cjelovitim tekstom

  • 85.446

    ORCID identifikatora

10 najnovijih online first radova u Hrčku

  1. Muslim tourist perceived value as determinant on d... , Tourism and hospitality management
  2. Service robots in the hotel industry: Customer acc... , Tourism and hospitality management
  3. External locus of control: talent acquisition impl... , Tourism and hospitality management
  4. Green knowledge sharing and workplace environmenta... , Tourism and hospitality management
  5. The effects of differentiation strategy on market... , Tourism and hospitality management
  6. Tourism persistence in Asean countries: The impact... , Tourism and hospitality management
  7. Modeling for sustainable tourism management and ob... , Tourism and hospitality management
  8. Influence of Demand on Supplier Selection Using th... , Business Systems Research
  9. Exploring the Link between Sustainable Practices a... , Business Systems Research
  10. Opportunities or Challenges? The Interplay between... , Business Systems Research