
  • Robert D. Van Valin , Department of Linguistics & Center for Cognitive Science, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York


syntactic theory, linking, lexical decomposition, macrorole, focus structure, language acquisition, clause linkage


This paper presents the basic concepts of Role and Reference Grammar [RRG], a theory of grammar which draws heavily on the analysis of non-lndo-European languages and which is concerned with the interaction of syntax, semantics and pragmatics in grammatical systems. RRG is a monostratal theory which posits a single syntactic representation for a sentence, which is linked directly to a semantic representation by means of a linking algorithm. The syntactic representation of clause structure in RRG is called the layered structure of the clause. It postulates that clauses are universally composed of a nucleus (which contains the predicating element), a core (which contains the nucleus and the arguments of the predicating element), and a periphery (which contains the temporal and locative modifiers of the core). Modifying each of the layers of the clause are what are called operators in RRG: they include grammatical categories like tense, aspect, modality, negation and illocutionary force. Complex sentences are composed of these units: nucleus + nucleus constitutes a nuclear juncture, core + core constitutes a core juncture, and clause + clause constitutes a clausal juncture. The units in a juncture may stand in one of three relationships to each other: coordination, subordination and cosubordination. There are thus nine abstract juncture-nexus types in universal grammar, and the juncture-nexus types occurring in a particular language may be realized by one or more formal construction types.
The semantic representation of a sentence is built on an Aktionsart-based system of lexical decomposition; it is termed a logical structure [LS]. The semantic functions of arguments are defined in terms of LS-positions. Crucial to the theory is the notion of semantic macrorole; there are two, actor and undergoer. The macroroles and other arguments are linked to the syntax by the linking algorithm. RRG does not assume traditional grammatical relations; it recognizes only a single grammatical function, termed the privileged syntactic argument.





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