About the Journal
Publication licence
You retain copyright in your submitted work, according to journal license policy (CC-BY). Any re-print has to be approved both by author(s) and publisher (editor-in-chief).
Copyright policy in pdfs has changed since number 62 (vol. 38, issue 1).
Copyright held(s) by author(s).
By signing this form you agree that RGN zbornik may publish it under the publication licence. In summary the licence allows the following:
Anyone is free:
- To copy, distribute, display, and perform the work.
- To make derivative works.
Under the following conditions:
- The original author must always be given credit.
- The work may not be used for commercial purposes.
- If the work is altered, transformed, or built upon, the resulting work may only be distributed under a licence identical to this one.
Exceptions to the licence
In addition to publishing the work printed under the above licence, RGN zbornik will also enable the work to be visible online.
The journal editorial can change the licence rules anytime but it cannot retroactively restrict author(s) rights.
Open Access / no author(s) fee
The content of the journal is fully open accessed. There are not any author(s) fee, i.e. accepted papers are published free of charge.
We use iThenticate and Plagscan platforms to check possible plagiarism or unwished similarities in the manuscript, before or during review process.
Focus and Scope
The aim of The Mining-Geology-Petroleum Engineering Bulletin is to serve as a communication medium for all concerned with scientific and technical problems dealing dominantly with mining, geology, petroleum engineering, application of mathematics and physics in Earth scicences and engineering as well as space sciences.
Papers are published in English. Authors can choose to print simultaneously the same text in Croatian too. When submission is sent author(s) can recommend two reviewers, and editor will decided about acceptance.
Papers published in Bulletin are reviewed. Reviewed papers can be categorised as: original scientific paper, review scientific paper, preliminary communications. Editors can also allow to print non-review papers as conference reports, book reviews and similar forms.
Peer Review Process
All submitted manuscripts, published in the Mining-Geological-Petroleum Engineering Bulletin undergo peer review. This involves initial editor screening, and review by at least two independent, expert peer reviewers, mostly outside journal editorial board. In cases where the journal is unable to find sufficient peer reviewers, journal's editorial board may be involved in the review process to avoid further delays for authors. Mining-Geological-Petroleum Engineering Bulletin employs a single-blind peer review procedure and optional open review.
Here we applied the recommendations given by World Association of Medical Editors in "Syllabus for Prospective and Newly Appointed Editors" available at http://www.wame.org/about/syllabus-for-prospective-and-newly-appointed
Generally, it is expected that reviewer accept or reject review not late than 7 days after invitation. The review in the 1st round is expected to be finished for 3 weeks or less, and in subsequent rounds for not more than 1 week. For longer periods the reviewers are kindly asked to contact section editors. These limits are indicated in invitation e-mail also. The authors are subdued to the same time limits and rules in their rounds of corrections.
ETHICAL CODEX OF RGN BULLETIN (Rudarsko-geološko-naftni zbornik)
Part 1. Possible researching funds
Any source of funding for research or publication should always be disclosed. When is known organisation and contract number of grants, funds or similar that should be included.
Part 2. Authorship and acknowledgment
Authorship credit should be based on 1) substantial contributions to conception and design, or acquisition of data, or analysis and interpretation of data; 2) drafting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content; and 3) final approval of the version to be published. Authors should meet conditions 1, 2 and 3. It is based on a definition of authorship of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE). Contributors who do not qualify as authors should be listed in an acknowledgment for description of given help. Authors contribution sections is obligatory part of the paper.
Part 3. Collecting authorship information
A statement that all as authors meet the appropriate authorship criteria, and that nobody who qualifies for authorship has been omitted from the list, is part of their initial submission package.
Part 4. Redundant (multiple) publication
Journal instruction clearly explains the type of papers that are published regularly. Authors need clearly explain what is, if any, included partially or completely in prior publications. It could be abstracts, posters, papers, books, databases and any kind of archives (public or not). If editor evaluate that submission is not substantially different of such previous results, it could be rejected. Journals also may accept the re-publication of materials that have been accurately translated from an original publication in a different language, but only with appropriate permission(s) of all copyright holders.
Part 5. Plagiarism
Journal does not and will not support any kind of possible or real plagiarism. If authors feel that some parts could be described as plagiarism, even if are used proper quotations and citations in text, they need to report it as part of submission, according to parts 2, 3 and 4. We use iThenticate and Plagscan to check similarities mentioned in parts 4 and 5.
Part 6. Protecting research subjects and from any discrimination
Standards of human or any life form research is beyond the responsibilities of journal, but all need to be stated that are performed according policy of institution where they are made. Any discrimination can not be applied in experiments, empirical works, subjects of researching or any at possible authors, according to law of Republic Croatia, common regulative of EU and country where researching is done. If it is necessary, authors need submission accompanied with statement that the relevant research ethics committee or institutional review board approved. Editors should reserve the right to reject papers if there is doubt whether appropriate procedures have been followed.
Part 7. Errata, retractions, expressions of concern
The Editor in Chief will decided if any post-publishing author's complaint is appropriate (editorial mistake) or not (i.e. result of author's errors during post-review and pre-publishing process). If editor finds such complaint valid, the Journal will publish corrections (errata) in the first following issue. Likewise, journals should publish ‘retractions’ if work is proven to be fraudulent or plagiarism or will published ‘expressions of concern’ if editors have well-founded suspicions of misconduct. The authors can send retraction note for published paper, but the Editor in Chief decides if such statement will be accepted or not.
Part 8. Timing of publication
Editors will aim to ensure timely peer review and publication for papers they receive, especially where is assumed that findings may have important implications. Authors will be noticed that such priority publication is considered in advance. Editors will tend to process the regular papers in period about 3 months in cases when evaluations and responses from author(s) and editor(s) are performed in asked time.
Part 9. Post-publication critique
We do not publish post-publication critiques, i.e. anybody interested in such crituque is invited to submit its own interpretations and results of previously published content. It will be reviewed.
Publication Frequency
The Bulletin is issued five times per year, starting from 2021. The special issues are not counted into that number.
Open access license and archiving
The Bulletin is open access (OA) journal what means that electronic versions of articles are accessible to readers, without any fees or registration.When use, please refer to Creative Commons license (BY type, http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ ).
The journal "Rudarsko-geološko-naftni zbornik" permits authors to deposit all versions of their article in any institutional or other repository of their choice, with the following conditions:
- Submitted Version:
- Must clearly indicate that it is the version submitted to "Rudarsko-geološko-naftni zbornik".
- Include the link to the Journal’s website: https://hrcak.srce.hr/ojs/index.php/rgn/index.
- Accepted Version:
- Must clearly indicate that it is the version accepted for publishing in "Rudarsko-geološko-naftni zbornik".
- Publisher’s Version/PDF:Can be archived provided that the published source is acknowledged with appropriate bibliographic citation and DOI.
The journal allows all these versions to be deposited in an institutional or other repository of the author’s choice without any embargo and without requiring permission from the journal or publisher. Publisher copyright policies & self-archiving is also described at Sherpa organisation web (RoMEO service) based at the University of Nottingham (http://www.sherpa.ac.uk/romeo/pub/2374/).
All volumes of the Bulletin (from 1989) are available at Hrčak journal pages (http://hrcak.srce.hr/rgn-zbornik?lang=en).
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering
See content in the page header.
Editorial board
See content in the page header.
Publishing council: Faculty council
Chairman: Vladislav Brkić, Dean
Journal History
On his 2nd meeting kept on 29th January 1988. The Council of the Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering, University of Zagreb, decided to issue permanent annual publication "The Mining-Geological-Petroleum Engineering Bulletin" ("Rudarsko-geološko-naftni zbornik"). The first volume had been issued anent significant jubilees in 1989:
- 70 years from establishment of the "Chair and department of mineralogy and geology" at the High technical school in Zagreb,
- 50 years from establishment of the "Department of mining and metallurgy" at the Technical faculty (University of Zagreb),
- 40 years from establishment of the study of Petroleum Engineering at the Mining department of
Technical faculty (University of Zagreb), and
- 20 years from establishment of the "Higher mining geological school" in Varaždin (later "Higher geotechnical school"), as part of the Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering (University of Zagreb).
The Bulletin publishes papers in the Natural Sciences (1.01. Mathematics, 1.02. Physics, 1.03. Geology, HR classification) and Technical Sciences (2.10. Mining, petroleum and geological engineering, 2.14. Aeronautics, rocket and space technique, HR class.), i.e. different topics from Earth sciences and engineering.
The Bulletin started with one issue per yer, continued with two issues from the 2012, three in 2016, and eventally four issues from 2017 ongoing. The issue in December is also dedicated to the Saint Barbara Feast Day, 4th December, as the patron saint (also) of miners.
The Bulletin is open access (OA) journal what means that electronic versions of articles are accessible to readers, without any fees or registration.When use, please refer to Creative Commons license (BY type, http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ ). Publisher copyright policies & self-archiving is also described at Sherpa organisation web (RoMEO service) based at the University of Nottingham (http://www.sherpa.ac.uk/romeo/search.php?issn=0353-4529).
ISSN 1849-0409 (online)
ISSN 0353-4529 (print)
UDC: 62:66:51-56
Prices are valid for advertising during one year (4 issues):
1. The journal footer, colour, logo height 2 cm - 398.17 €;
2. The journal footer, colour, logo height 5 cm - 663.61 €.
All amounts included PDV or VAT.
Outer sources of financial support/advertising (discontinued from 2020)
Croatian Ministry of Science, Education and Sport (annual support for scientific journals 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2018, 2016->backward)
INA-Industry of Oil Plc. (advertising 2019 -> backward).