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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Letter to editors (reviewers, UDC, British English proof-reading)

    The submission included supplement file (DOC or PDF) with proposal of two potential reviewers that editor(s) could or not accept. Proposal need to have names, degrees, scientific fields, affiliations and e-mails.

    The letter also has to contain originality statement and expression of the English language quality (obtained in professional of native-speaker proofreading). If you make resubmission of previously declined work, as new, initial, submission, the editor's (and also reviewers' if exist) comments from previous (declined) version must be completely replied in the letter.

  • Originality of work

    The submission has not been previously published, nor is it under consideration by another journal (statement given in Letter to editor or has been provided in Comments to the Editor).

  • Manuscript template

    The text is submitted on journal template available at under “Guideline for authors” . Respect all rues ,especially citation style, bolding, caption style, equation formatting and author(s) contribution information.

    Where available, URLs and/or DOIs for the references have been provided.
  • Manuscript metadata

    Each manuscript started with submission process.Fill all metadata completely, i.e. title, author (list) and affiliation(s), abstract and key words. Keep it (continuously) up to date. The online issues contain metadata.

  • Author's guidelines and figure's resolutions

    The text adheres also to other stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal. Special attention need to be given on figure pixel resoultion (1200x800 - 1800-1200 pixels prepared as TIFF) as condition for online publishing. If authors are asked to submit files for printed publication, they need to be 200-300 dpi.

  • Time limits during review rounds

    The instructions about time limits for corrections according reviews will be strictly respected.

    (a) Generally, the 1st review and correction rounds last 3 weeks each; (b) 2nd and later rounds last 1 week each. For longer terms, reviewers/authors are obligated contact section editor; (c) The final corrections of galley proofs last 2-3 days;

  • Letter to reviewers (as part of resubmission)

    is OBLIGATORY part of each subsequent author upload of improved manuscript. Such resubmission has to have 3 uploadedfiles - improved manuscript with (in different colours for each reviewer) and without track and changes visible. Letter to reviewers has strict form available at the end of the template and includes point-by-point replies on all reviewers' (and editor's if exist) comments. The clean manuscript is uploaded as "article" and other 2 documents as "other" type of files.

  • Withdraw/retraction/changes in author's list/publication date

    1. When manuscript had been submitted author(s) cannot withdraw it (exception is given in point 5), but can suggest Editor-in-Chief to do it due to strong reasons.

    2. The same is valid for accepted paper (exception is given in point 6).

    3. The author’s list cannot be changed after initial submission, but main author can propose it during review process when some existing or new, but only one (!), author made large contribution in improvements. The proposal must be given before resubmission. The Editor-in-Chief makes final decisions.

    4. In the case of any authorship in dispute, the authors need to give common reports and arguments, and Editor-in-Chief will make final decision about authorship, publication or rejection. The Editor-in-Chief is free to consult some or all authors or listed institution(s), during process.

    5. If review process lasts more than 6 months after submission author(s) can withdraw manuscript.

    6. If paper, after acceptance, is not published in the next 12 months, author(s) can withdraw the paper.

    7. The Editor-in-Chief can retract any published paper but must explain such decision in public on journal web (keep it permanent visible in the issue where retraction is done) and the in next printed issue following retraction (indicating also in the table of content). The retraction must be done exclusively based on the journal's ethical codex. 

Author Guidelines

1. The manuscript need to be formatted according exact template file available as DOC onto journal Hrčak archive ( under “Guideline for authors”. This template also include form of letter to editor / letter to reviewers. The spelling and grammar stadard is the Bristish English.

2. Each submission is check on palgiarism using the Plagscan and/or iThenticate software. Also, we are not interested to publish papers with high similarity level regardings other sources or to publish translation of non-English papers already published elsewhere.

3. Letter to editor is obligatory during submission with proposal of two potential reviewers that editor(s) could or not accept. Proposal need to have names, degrees, scientific fields, affiliations and e-mails. The letter also has to contain originality statement and expression of the English language quality (obtained in professional of native-speaker proofreading).

4. Letter to reviewers (as part of resubmission) is OBLIGATORY part of each subsequent author upload of improved manuscript. Such resubmission has to have 3 uploaded files - improved manuscript with (in different colours for each reviewer) and without track and changes visible. Letter to reviewers has strict form which includes point-by-point replies on all reviewer's comments available at:

The clean manuscript is uploaded as "article" and other 2 documents as "other" type of files.

5. Submission metadata - need to be always UP TO DATE, especially after review initiated corrections. It includes title, abstract, keywords, author affiliation and e-mail.

6. Figures in the manuscript's .docx file must be imported as bitmap images in .jpg or .tiff formats. Ensure that the figures or photos are high-resolution (at least 300 dpi or 1900x1200 pixels), clear, and readable. After the manuscript is accepted, upload the original bitmap images as a single .zip or .rar file. We do not publish papers with low-quality graphics.


General: Abstract cannot exceed 250 words and need to be followed with key words. Entire manuscript should not exceed 25 formatted pages if previously editor-in-chief did not approve it. Text needs to be formatted as DOC file type (Microsoft Word). The main or corresponding author need to ask editor for, fill and send back copyright form where transferring relevant rights to publisher. Such statement is valid for all authors.

Submission and manuscript construction: Manuscript need to be submitted via OJS system (alternatively at the Editor-in-Chief e-mail address). Author(s) are invited to recommend two reviewers, but editors will decide about acceptance. Recommended main parts of paper are: (1) Introduction, (2) Methods, techniques, material studied and area description, (3) Results and discussions, (4) Conclusions, (5) References. The use of SI metric units is obligatory. Footnotes should be used if absolutely essential.

For manuscript exclusively in English: The manuscript in English need to have also both abstract and key words in Croatian. Croatian abstract can be written also in extended form up to 1 A4 page. If authors are not Croatian speakers, they can ask editors for help in translation.

Author(s) contribution: At the end of paper, after references and before (possible) acknowledgment, the author(s) are obligate to present main contribution of each listed co-authors, using 1-2 sentences.

Final note: These instructions are intended to aid you in preparing your manuscript to be considered for publication in The Mining-Geology-Petroleum Engineering Bulletin. Failure to follow these guidelines could result in your manuscript being returned to you for further revision.


To be a communication medium for all concerned with scientific and technical problems dealing with mining, geotechnics and environment protection within those activities.

Petroleum Engineering and Energetics

To be a communication medium for all concerned with scientific and technical problems dealing with petroleum engineering and environment protection within those activities.


To be a communication medium for all concerned with scientific and technical problems dealing with geology and environment protection within those activities.

Applied Mathematics, Physics, Space Sciences

To be a communication medium for all concerned with scientific and technical problems dealing with mathematics, physics and Space sciences within those activities.

Other sciences and contributions

To be a communication medium for all concerned with scientific and technical problems dealing with chemistry, computing, programming applied in main journal topics within those activities.

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party. This option must be confirmed if you wish to continue.

Important note about your account: If you wish to select type of notifications which you will receive from the journal, choose it in you profile dashboard option "notifications". If you wish to disable your profile, you need to contact editor-in-chief with such inquiry.