Journal copyright policy change
Dear „Rud.-geol.-naft. zb.“ journal users,
I would like to inform you that the journal copyright licence policy has been updated. Copyright for all open access articles in the journal Rud.-geol-naft. zb. published by the Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering, University of Zagreb, is retained by the author(s) and all publishing rights are held by the publisher.
Users may continue to read, download, copy, redistribute, print, search and link to, modify, transform or build upon, or use the material for any other lawful purposes, as long as they acknowledge the source appropriately in accordance with the CC BY licence. In addition, the journal template has been updated. The copyright policy will change starting with number 62 (Volume 38, Issue 1).
For more information about the journal licence policy, visit this link.
With regards,
Editor in chief