Publons integration


Dear reviewers,

It is our pleasure to announce that “RGN zbornik” journal has been integrated in the Publons service. For anybody who already has Publons account it is easy to add reviews using simply option “Reviews records -> Add a review” as follows: (1) Select the journal “Rudarsko-geološko-naftni Zbornik (The Mining-Geological-Petroleum Engineering Bulletin)”; (2) Add name of reviewed paper and date of completion. Such inquiries editors will approve in few days. 

The reviewers who received confirmation e-mail for finished review from OJS can add reviews simply forwarding such e-mail to (without manually “add” options).

We work on get full (EMS) integration directly into journal's OJS, so that finished reviews could be instantly added to reviewer's Publons profile.

With regards,
