Multivariance solutions for designing new levels of coal mines


  • Vasyl Hryhorovych Lozynskyi Dnipro University of Technology, Department of Mining Engineering and Education, Yavornytskoho Ave 19, UA-49005 Dnipro, Ukraine; Institute of Postgraduate Education of NUWEE, 24 Serpnia St 11, UA-33000 Rivne, Ukraine
  • Volodymyr Medianyk Dnipro university of Technology, Department of Mining Engineering and Education, Yavornytskoho Ave 19, UA-49005 Dnipro, Ukraine
  • Pavlo Saik Dnipro University of Technology, Department of Mining Engineering and Education, Yavornytskoho Ave 19, UA-49005 Dnipro, Ukraine; Institute of Postgraduate Education of NUWEE, 24 Serpnia St 11, UA-33000 Rivne, Ukraine
  • Kanay Rysbekov Satbayev University, Mining Department, Satpayev St 22a, KZ-50013 Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • Maksym Demydov Dnipro University of Technology, Department of Mining Engineering and Education, Yavornytskoho Ave 19, UA-49005 Dnipro, Ukraine; Geological Concern “Geobit”, 10 Żurawiec St., PL-32500, Chrzanów, Poland



coal mines, mining, multivariance, technological schemes


In this article, variants of technological designing of new mining enterprise levels for obtaining the skills of engineering task execution are considered. The complex approach for the justification of a mine’s parameters is examined. The com- binations of quantitative and qualitative parameters for designing new coal-face and preparation works, transport, ven- tilation, and draining-out of gases, pumping, and mineral deposits while keeping cost reduction in mind for all stages of mining enterprise operations are presented. The obtained results allow us to lay the foundations for optimizing the pa- rameters of the development system and the rational order for the coal reserves, under the changing mining and geo- logical conditions of coal field deposit development. Conclusions regarding the implementation of the multivariance solutions in new coal mine level designing are made on the basis of undertaken investigations. The obtained results with sufficient accuracy in a practical application can be used to determine the development of new coal mine levels.




How to Cite

Lozynskyi, V. H., Medianyk, V., Saik, P., Rysbekov, K., & Demydov, M. (2020). Multivariance solutions for designing new levels of coal mines. Rudarsko-geološko-Naftni Zbornik, 35(2).




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