Commercialization of cultural heritage in tourism


  • Mauro Dujmović Fakultet ekonomije i turizma „Dr. Mijo Mirković“


commercialization, commodification, tourism, heritage tourism, special interest tourism, mass tourism, authenticity


Tourism has become a consumer commodity in postmodern society. History, time and space as aspects of culture are being transformed into market commodities. At the same time, the mercantilist reality uses the prism of tourism to value and sell everything. Culture is institutionalized, categorized and ready for use, while traditions are staged and resurrected. However, objectively, not all commercial goods and services which contribute to the rise of national gross product are adequate for individuals, society and nature. Commercialization and commodification of culture connected to tourism could potentially destroy the destination’s authenticity. Therefore, tourism must take care of the content as well as the economic aspect, in order to provide the tourists with a more productive, cultural and meaningful vacation; one that will help affirm their creative abilities and interests and contribute to their personal improvement. It is, therefore, important to develop selective forms of tourism, so-called special interest tourism, in order to enrich and elevate mass tourism and expand and extend the offer beyond the season.





Review article