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Sociology and Space , Vol. 46 No. 1 (179), 2008.

  • Publication date: 05.06.2008.
  • Published on HRČAK: 06.07.2008.

Table of contents

Full text

European and Croatian Identity: Cognitive Mobilization or Latent Conflict (page 3-22)

Duško Sekulić, Željka Šporer
Original scientific paper

Koncept javnog interesa i javnog dobra u urbanističkom i prostornom planiranju (page 23-51)

Ksenija Petovar, Miodrag Vujošević
Original scientific paper

Actors of the Flower Square reconstruction in Zagreb (page 53-76)

Anđelina Svirčić-Gotovac, Jelena Zlatar
Original scientific paper

Stigma – theatre, a place above stigmatization (page 77-100)

Ivan Hromatko, Renato Matić
Preliminary communication

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